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Molecular Interactions Controll Vocabulary
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New tags: GCN4 & GCN4pep #431

Open lukasz99 opened 3 years ago

lukasz99 commented 3 years ago

GCN4 is antibody recognizing GCN4pep peptide. The paper

uses GCN4pep to tag proteins and GCN4-GFP fusion to detect it.

GCN4 seems to be also used on its own as a tag: See PMID: 32150576

pporrasebi commented 3 years ago

It is not clear to me whether the tag used in PMID:32150576 is the full length GCN4 or the peptide described in the paper you mention. Also, from reading such paper I interpret there could be three potential tags:

Or if these distinctions are deemed not important for the particular use case you have, I can create a generic GNC4 tag and then add specifics if needed. I'd like to avoid creating tags that are used in just one publication, hence the question.