HUPO-PSI / psi-ms-CV

HUPO-PSI mass spectrometry CV
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add CV term for electron beam energy used in EAD #288

Open david-cox-sciex opened 3 days ago

david-cox-sciex commented 3 days ago

New CV term for electron beam energy. This is the kinetic energy of the electron beam using in dissociation methods induced by a free electron beam, such as electron-capture dissociation (ECD), electron-detachment dissociation (EDD), and electron-activated dissociation (EAD).

mobiusklein commented 1 day ago

The term itself looks good to me. I don't know enough mechanistically to say whether this would apply to ETD too though.

Ontologically, should we make a new parent term for all activation energies? We have activation energy, collision energy, normalized collision energy, and the related ramp terms as well as supplemental collision energy. This adds yet another term of the same concept but different mechanism.

david-cox-sciex commented 1 day ago

A parent term for all activation energy terms seems good. I considered using "activation energy" but since "electron beam energy" is about the energy the electron has, it seemed wrong to use a term that is about the final precursors activation energy. Also, when the spectrum is the result of mixed CID and EAD process we would need both "electron beam energy" and "collision energy" terms.