If a player kills the carrier, and the objective timer runs out before the explosion animation finishes - the player will miss the objective.
Change line 3836 to:
if (_VIFONCE027[TeamName] == 0 and (SobGroup_HealthPercentage("P1Mothership") < 1)) then -- "ifonce" # 27 --kasfShipsCount(kasAITeamShipsPtr("P1Mothership"))
If a player kills the carrier, and the objective timer runs out before the explosion animation finishes - the player will miss the objective.
Solution Change line 3836 to: if (_VIFONCE027[TeamName] == 0 and (SobGroup_HealthPercentage("P1Mothership") < 1)) then -- "ifonce" # 27 --kasfShipsCount(kasAITeamShipsPtr("P1Mothership"))