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English Localization #306

Open cloaked2222 opened 4 years ago

cloaked2222 commented 4 years ago

Here's a list of potential english localization improvements. I just split this off from the foreign localization issue thread.

  1. Make general improvements to english.big: A. The control options menu lists Aggressive twice. One should say Offensive. B. The hw2 MS/CC/SY Imp. Manufacturing all just say "Imp. Manufacturing" in the research menu. Once they're in que, you can't tell which is which. C. The Hiig Torpedo Frigate Improved Torpedoes upgrade description says it applies to destroyers too. This is a typo from hw2c and should be removed, it has only ever affected torpedo frigates. image D. Vaygr Command Corvette description doesn't fit in the box. Maybe delete "Command Ship" and make it "Corvette Class - Improves Allied Ships Accuracy". See this screenshot: image E. Kushan Assault Frigate description text should be corrected. A letter "e" of the word "/Corvette" is shifted to another line... Should be fixed somehow of the whole word to be present at the same line... image F. The Hiig hyperspace research description says 20%, when its actually 25%. Remove the percent from the description, as the percent is not included in any other speed/hull research description. image image G. Audit all ship description pop-ups as some may be wrong. For example it says Missile Corvettes are strong vs frigates, they are not.

  2. Make SP improvements to english.big: A. Tutorial Mission 1. 50427 "Some settings display more information than others." correct to match audio: "Some TO settings display more information than others." B. Tutorial Mission 2: 50541 "The Build Manager is organized according to Production Facilities." correct to match audio: "Click on the Scout Icon to begin construction of a Scout squadron." C. The Turanic Standard Corvette's description should not include the salvage ability. D. The mission objective text should be "it is" not "is is": image

  3. Include the Standard Game Setup addon, to color the game options.

  4. Could include base build/research times and upgrade values directly in the popup description text, rather than our current implementation of this feature: https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/Development/issues/146#issuecomment-526821919

  5. Possibly localize additional text added by the Players Patch. If we localize "Vast" as $9999 in English, what appears for someone using an external language mod like Korean? Will it fall back on "Vast" from English, or will it display $9999?


Implementing localization on Steam/GOG is easy, the files go here: HomeworldRM\DATAWORKSHOPMODS\2.3PlayersPatch\2.3PlayersPatch.big HomeworldRM\DATAWORKSHOPMODS\2.3PlayersPatch\English.big The correct local .big is automatically loaded when you start 2.3 via the HWR mod launcher, or a command line/shortcut. There's no need to call the local .big separately via the command line.

Creating Local .bigs

The HWR workshop tool automatically creates separate local .big files when you have a Data\locale\English folder.