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Tactical Overlay: Defense Fighter, etc #33

Closed Novaras closed 6 years ago

Novaras commented 6 years ago

A bit much to look at (not in my opinion, but others seem less impressed):


Even without the (grudgingly optional) inner TO for the shield, the standard modifiers are still a lot to look at... I've come up with a solution which produces less obtrusive results:

image image

However the method used to attain this translucence is pretty hacky.

I've set all current in-use modifiers to invisible, and am using the unused modifiers for styling purposes:

-- these multipliers are functional and in use, set them transparent

    -- used by ecm probes, also found in vaygr hyperspace gates although unused
    SensorDistortion = 
        colour = {1,1,1,0},
    -- used by all fire control, cmd vettes and also by taiidan field frigs and fighters
    WeaponAccuracy = 
        colour = {1,0.48,0,0},
    -- used by all fire control, cmd vettes and also by taiidan field frigs and fighters
    WeaponDamage =
        colour = {1,0,0,0},
    -- used by taiidan field fighters
    MaxSpeed = 
        colour = {0.1,0.85,0,0},

-- these multipliers are unused and have no users, use them for styling

    -- using this to display sensor distortion effect (solid white)
    ResourceCollectionRate = 
        colour = {1,1,1,1},
    -- using this to display taiidan defense shields (translucent neon blue)
    NebulaSensitivity =
        colour = {0,1,1,0.2},
    -- using this to display fire control for all hw2 fire control fields (solid red)
    BuildSpeed =
        colour = {1,0,0,1}
    -- using this to display taiidan debuff fields from field frigates, using orange as weapon accuracy is considered the primary effect (solid orange)
    HyperSpaceAbortDamage =
        colour = {1,0.48,0,1},
    -- using this to display taiidan debuff fields from def fighters, using orange as weapon accuracy is considered the primary effect (translucent orange)
    Capture =
        colour = {1,0.48,0,0.4},

You can see a working version of all this in the TO-hack branch... everything displays as it always has, however we can now apply custom colours to TOs so long as we have spare unused modifiers lying around

The main issue here is that 2.3 will potentially not play nicely with other mods which use these modifiers...

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

"The main issue here is that 2.3 will potentially not play nicely with other mods which use these modifiers..." Currently 2.3 b8 should be compatible with any mod, so that's definitely a negative. You can load 2.3, then load a mod on top of it and it should always work. That said, for the bigger mods that touch tones of files - you won't see many benefits by doing this. While we may fix a bug in a file, the mod may have its own file that overwrites it. The main goal is for other mods to eventually take advantage of the fixes/improvements in 2.3 by merging them into their mods.

Also maybe black rings would be less noticeable.

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

Impressive stuff. Lets keep in the TO-hack branch for now though.

For b8, I'd suggest removing the neon blue ring around DF and FF. Hiig DFF don't have this and its easy enough to see the shields, this is just UI clutter. Then we can just show the accuracy debuff's with the standard orange.

Novaras commented 6 years ago

yes they do...?


cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

-_- Didn't see it in your OP, and assumed you listed them all. Just now stopped to think and remember 'of course it has a TO ring...'. Its 6am here...

Echo1707 commented 6 years ago

Wouldn't defense fighters die too fast if they were set in passive and ordered to stay still? Also, would it be possible to improve the animation/visual of their field bubble?

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

Ya they're easier to kill that way.

You can modify effects, see here: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/modding-tutorials-master-thread/694826/40

@Novaras - I tried to run TO HACK and crashed while loading. Here's the hwrm.log: HOD Trace: data:SubSystem\HGN_MS_MODULE_RESEARCHADVANCED\HGN_MS_MODULE_RESEARCHADVANCED.hod HOD Trace: data:SubSystem\HGN_C_MODULE_HYPERSPACE\HGN_C_MODULE_HYPERSPACE.hod LUA 'data:ui/modifiers.lua' -- parameter: expected; last token read: `=' at line 9 in string "" LUA -- incorrect use of PushTable/PopTable -- FATAL EXIT -- luaconfig/1000:! --stack trace--
Display: (0, 0, 100, 100) - (8, 31)

Your modifiers.lua looks much different than stock, so I added back in what looked to be missing and fixed the crash problem: https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/commit/2b0e21c5120abba9c4cbbf7d17144e21faa57dc5

Also guys, be sure to always use "-traceHODs -luatrace" in your command line when developing to catch stuff like this.

Novaras commented 6 years ago

actually its working on my end... somehow i mustve pushed to remote before testing, tested, fixed, and not pushed again

im usually doing stuff like this late at night so...

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

TO-hack may no longer be needed per this thread: https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/issues/69

I've applied some TO changes to the cloaked branch today 7/21.

Edit: Closing the TO-Hack branch, here was the modifiers.lua from it: Abilities = {
HyperspaceInhibitor = { colour = {1,0,.7,1}, }, Hyperspace = { colour = {1,0,1,1}, }, Cloak = { colour = {0.4,0.5,1,0.9,}, }, DefenseField = { colour = {0,1,1,1}, }, }

Multipliers = { -- these multipliers are functional and in use, set them transparent

-- used by ecm probes, also found in vaygr hyperspace gates although unused
SensorDistortion = 
    colour = {1,1,1,0},
-- used by all fire control, cmd vettes and also by taiidan field frigs and fighters
WeaponAccuracy = 
    colour = {1,0.48,0,0},
-- used by all fire control, cmd vettes and also by taiidan field frigs and fighters
WeaponDamage =
    colour = {1,0,0,0},
-- used by taiidan field fighters
MaxSpeed = 
    colour = {0.1,0.85,0,0},

-- these multipliers are unused and have no users, use them for styling

-- using this to display sensor distortion effect (solid white)
ResourceCollectionRate = 
    colour = {1,1,1,1},
-- using this to display taiidan defense shields (translucent neon blue)
NebulaSensitivity =
    colour = {0,1,1,0.2},
-- using this to display fire control for all hw2 fire control fields (solid red)
BuildSpeed =
    colour = {1,0,0,1}
-- using this to display taiidan debuff fields from field frigates, using orange as weapon accuracy is considered the primary effect (solid orange)
HyperSpaceAbortDamage =
    colour = {1,0.48,0,1},
-- using this to display taiidan debuff fields from def fighters, using orange as weapon accuracy is considered the primary effect (translucent orange)
Capture =
    colour = {1,0.48,0,0.4},
