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HW1 Utility Health #343

Closed cloaked2222 closed 4 years ago

cloaked2222 commented 4 years ago

HW1 utility ships are quite fragile, and use the same armor as frigates. They might need a health bump. For reference HW1 ion frigates have 26k health, torps have 14k->19.6k health.

Unit Current Health Relatively closer to hw1c Proposed
kus_cloakgenerator.ship 9k 11k 15k17k
kus_gravwellgenerator.ship 11k 14k 19k
kus_sensorarray.ship 5.5k 8k 11k15k

Currently when a GW activates its ability, it loses half its health by the time its energy is nearly dry. Lets make sure this is still the case after this health buff.

Note: GWs at 11k allow 2 resource collectors to kami into them and kill them. This allows swarming players a way to kill GWs without frigs+. We would lose this hw1c counter, however honestly I've never seen anyone utilize this in a HWR game...

Novaras commented 4 years ago

i'd say 16/16/19 instead of 15/11/19

cloaked2222 commented 4 years ago

I tweaked ur suggestion slightly in the OP.

Generally we want to try and respect hw1c relative ratios. So if sensors arrays had less health than cloak gens in hw1c, they should still have less health in HWR. Just not necessarily so much less.

Novaras commented 4 years ago

That seems pretty good to me yeah, 11k was quite a low target