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Why are cloak and anti-cloak balanced to cost similar amounts? #365

Open Novaras opened 3 years ago

Novaras commented 3 years ago

I've never really paid much attention to this, but it really makes no sense that cloak and anti-cloak are always balanced with considerations towards aligning the cost of getting the tech out on the map... however this is assuming cloak and anti-cloak progress in power linearly and at the same rate, but this is just untrue.

A single proxy probe (OR A DAMN HGN CLOAK SENSOR) and nullify unlimited amounts of active cloaks.

Other considerations:

Cloaks themselves in isolation are pretty good; I know we already nerfed proxies but tbh they probably need further addressing, it's almost as agregious as the relationship between hs and inhibs - this game mechanic is pretty stunted to edge cases or turtle strats.

I would do this: