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Capital armour mini-rework #367

Open Novaras opened 3 years ago

Novaras commented 3 years ago

Right now it feels really bad when trying to fight capital/frig balls with strike compositions - early pulsars instead of rushing DDs for example. Strike do extremely minimal damage in real games to capitals, due to various things like kill time, cover from enemy strike, MDDs, torpedo frigs, etc (a little map dependant; Shield games don't suffer quite so much for example).

Basically it's difficult to balance things like lasers against the range of capitals on show, while also keeping pulsars and others in line: lasers are absolute monsters against carriers (able to oneshot vgr carriers if you have 32 or so), but massively weaker against DDs and BCs.

I would do the following:

Armour types:

Armour classes: Name Targets Differences
SuperUtility All carriers, all refineries, (maybe) HW1 gravs and cloaks Similar to HeavyArmour, exceptions: - lasers should be noticably weaker - bombers should be slightly weaker - non-anti-heavy weapons should be slightly stronger - cloaked fighters should be slightly stronger again - repair beams should be somewhat stronger
DestroyerArmour All DDs (including keepers) Similar to HeavyArmour, exceptions: - bombers should be slightly stronger - heavies should be significantly stronger - mines should be slightly stronger - pulsars should be somewhat stronger
HeavyArmour No changes No changes Hgn ions can do +10% here

Although this appears a bit spooky at first, it actually solves a lot of issues by giving us the additional values we can scale:

Issue Resolution
Laser corvettes are far too powerful against CCs and especially against refs and hw1 spellcaster util, but are fine against DDs and BCs Moving CCs and refs to their own armour type allows these targets to be balanced against correctly without effecting other matchups.
Bombers, pulsars and heavies are a joke against destroyer balls, and even worse against cruisers (bombers can hit subs at least) Moving others to different armour types allows us to balance against DDs specifically (I consider this high importance due to the ubiquity of DDs in all matchups)
Frigates often fall out of target strength against either DDs or BCs Same as above, more balancing accuracy is available
DD balls are the most popular and easiest strategy in 2v2, and very common in skilled 1v1s. Allowing more units to be strong against DDs but not BCs or other capitals encourages diversity in composition.

So the only units which will have their armour type changed are

The TO icon for SuperUtility needs thinking of, I would suggest a square with rounded corners.

Novaras commented 3 years ago

Will try doing this today and tomorrow.

Main concern is that if I miss important weapons, their damage to the new armour types will be 1.0 which could radically buff or nerf them.

With that said, I know every ship in the game by heart, campaigns included.