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Gun plats #388

Open Novaras opened 3 years ago

Novaras commented 3 years ago

Gun Platforms (Vaygr)

Despite some small buffs, these units are still never used as they're almost bottom of the barrel for anti-fighter needs. These changes aim to open up more strategies for defending against fighter aggression. The Vaygr platform is also losing its ability to turn in place - this gives them a similar weakness to Hiigaran platforms which notoriously have their damage halved if fought from above or below.

  • Attack Script: No longer able to turn in place to aim at targets
  • Build time: 20 => 19 (-5%)
  • Weapons:
  • Lead their shots (ballistic aiming).
  • Maximum vertical rotation: 12 => 90 To compensate for being locked in place, matching Hiigaran.
  • Projectile speed: 2200 => 2800 (+27.3%)
  • Shots/s: 0.2 => 0.4 (+100%) Per turret.
  • Base damage: 40 => 25 (-37.5%)
  • Damage Multipliers:
  • vs All Corvettes: 1.0 => 0.5 (-50%)
  • Accuracy Multipliers:
  • vs HW2 Fighters: 0.85 => 0.75 (-11.8%)
  • vs HW1 Fighters: 0.95 => 0.85 (-10.5%)

Gun Platforms (Hiigaran)

Despite some small buffs, these units are still never used as they're almost bottom of the barrel for anti-fighter needs. These changes aim to open up more strategies for defending against fighter aggression.

  • Build time: 20 => 19 (-5%)
  • Weapons:
  • Lead their shots (ballistic aiming).
  • Projectile speed: 2200 => 2800 (+27.3%)
  • Shots/s: 0.2 => 0.4 (+100%) Per turret.
  • Base damage: 40 => 25 (-37.5%)
  • Damage Multipliers:
  • vs All Corvettes: 1.0 => 0.5 (-50%)
  • Accuracy Multipliers:
  • vs HW2 Fighters: 0.85 => 0.75 (-11.8%)
  • vs HW1 Fighters: 0.95 => 0.85 (-10.5%)


Defender damage is overtuned against platforms; HW1 have plenty of options such as corvettes for handling gun platforms.

  • Weapons:
  • Damage Multipliers:
  • vs Platforms: 1.1 => 1.0 (-9.1%)

HW1 Bombers:

With plats buffed, bombers are now underperforming in the matchup - compensation here.

  • Weapons:
  • Damage Multipliers:
  • vs Platforms: 0.85 => 0.935 (+10%)

Hiigaran Bombers:


  • Weapons:
  • Damage Multipliers:
  • vs Platforms: 0.7 => 0.735 (+5%)

Vaygr Bombers:


  • Weapons:
  • Damage Multipliers:
  • vs Platforms: 0.6 => 0.63 (+5%)