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Kadeshi swarmer movespeeds #398

Open Novaras opened 1 year ago

Novaras commented 1 year ago

breakoff from this issue: https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/Development/issues/240

This is a bit more complicated; in classic the standard swarmer moves at an astonishing 1500 u/s, which is 1.7* times an interceptors 875!

In RM we would get a relative speed of 834, which might be OK for an experienced player but more casual people will definitely be overwhelmed - many accuracy table weapons simply will never hit a unit going this fast.

Their script causes them to lose nearly all movespeed until they dock with a fuel pod, negating this whole situation as a special circumstance.

Focusing just on the swarmers movespeed:

swarmer/adv. swarmer:

this makes them superior in terms of mobility, but not by a crushing amount; this is akin to classic