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Try to re-write m03 script from scratch #402

Open Novaras opened 1 year ago

Novaras commented 1 year ago

This is the worst code of all time, I think it must be partially autogenerated or otherwise automated.

flow (WIP):

1. hs
2. location card $61150
3. kharak is burning (kenny) $60429
4. fleet intel KHARAK IS BEING CONSUMED... (you bastards)
5. karan 'on the maintainence...' (cryo survived) $60431
6. intel 'the cryo trays are under attack' $60433"
7a. cryo objective ('defend them!'):
    KASObjective_Add(ObjectiveID_DefendCryos, "$61155", OT_Primary)
    Objective_SetDescription(ObjectiveID_DefendCryos, "$60814")
    KAS_SubtitleAddOnce(Actor_HW1_FleetIntel, "$60759", 3)
7b. capture enemy objective ('these ships are different'):
    KAS_SubtitleAddOnce(Actor_HW1_FleetIntel, "$60434", 3)
    KASObjective_Add(ObjectiveID_CaptureOne, "$61157", OT_Primary)
    Objective_SetDescription(ObjectiveID_CaptureOne, "$60815")
n. all frigs neutralised
    KASObjective_Add(ObjectiveID_GoForCryos, "$61159", OT_Primary)
    Objective_SetDescription(ObjectiveID_GoForCryos, "$60473")
    KAS_SubtitleAddOnce(Actor_HW1_FleetIntel, "$60760", 3)
n+1. capture the trays
    KAS_SubtitleAddOnce(Actor_HW1_FleetCommand, "$60435", 3)

locale data keys (mission03.dat):

60429   No one's left... Everything's gone...!  Kharak is burning!
60430   Kharak is being consumed by a firestorm.  The Scaffold has been destroyed.  All orbital facilities destroyed.  Significant debris ring in low Kharak orbit.  Receiving no communications from anywhere in the system... Not even beacons.
60431   Wait!  On the maintenance frequency.  I'm getting a signal from the Cryo Tray systems in orbit.  One of them is suffering a massive malfunction.
60432   Dispatch Salvage Corvettes immediately to collect the trays.
60433   These ships are different from those we encountered at the Khar-Selim.  It is likely they were involved in the destruction of Kharak.
60434   Capture at least one vessel for interrogation and destroy the rest.
60435   Those trays contain all that remain of our people.  Without them, we will become extinct.
60436   Hostile vessel captured.  Crew interned.  Interrogation is underway.  While searching the enemy ship's computer systems, we came across these flight recordings.  Stand by for playback.
60462   Analysis of the recording indicates that the Kharak missile defenses heavily damaged the attacking fleet.  However, we have concluded that at present they can still easily defeat us.  We have therefore plotted a course to a deep space asteroid belt.  There we can hide and prepare our fleet for an assault.
60463   Our research division has analyzed the captured frigate.  We have reverse engineered the drive technology and developed two new ships.  Plans for a third vessel are underway, but will require Frigate Chassis research.
60464   Cryo tray loaded.  One hundred thousand people secured.
60465   Cryo tray loaded.  Two hundred thousand people secured.
60466   Cryo tray loaded.  Three hundred thousand people secured.
60467   Cryo tray loaded.  Four hundred thousand people secured.
60468   Cryo tray loaded.  Five hundred thousand people secured.
60469   Withdraw attack and deploy a Salvage Team.  We need that ship.
60470   Cryo trays loaded and secure.  Hyperspace module charged.  There's nothing left for us here.  Let's go.
60471   Unidentified Hostiles
60472   Taiidan Empire
60759   The Cryo Trays are under attack.  Defend them.
60760   Enemy units neutralized.  Begin salvaging the cryo trays.
60814   The enemy is attempting to destroy our colonist cryo trays!  Defend our people at all costs!
60815   We must learn the nature of this new threat.  Use Salvage Corvettes to bring in an enemy ship intact for interrogation.
60473   The cryo trays are exposed.  Use Salvage Corvettes to load the trays into the Mothership immediately.