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Target Priorities #67

Closed cloaked2222 closed 6 years ago

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

Cloaked "Just realized all ships in the game will prioritize attacking hw2 fighters/corvs over hw1... -_-" Echo: "Not if we give HW1 units a higher target priority for HW1 families ;) For example, HW2 ints focus HW2 ints first and then HW1 ints, while HW1 ints focus first HW1 ints and then HW2 ints, and so on."

Echo1707 commented 6 years ago

Found this in kus_heavycorvette.ship attack priorities: "Frigate, Fighter, Fighter_hw1, Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Resource,,,,,,, Capturer, Utility, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Mothership"

How can this ship fire at probes if probes' AttackFamily is NonCombat? Also, what is the point of multiple comas?

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

The CanAttack line is attack priorities. Anything not in that line just gets treated as a very low priority. The commas further lower priorities, so in the line above Resource is prioritized quite a bit over Capturer.

Also the line you pasted is from v2.1. Be sure to use 2.3 or 2.205 files!

I did a thorough review on the CanAttack lines for the 2.205 patch, and they are good as is other than the OP. Just before v2.0 was released ints would prioritize resource collectors before other ints, rofl. Glad I caught that one before the patch shipped...

Echo1707 commented 6 years ago

That line is actually on 2.205 files (https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/blob/Bleeding-Edge/2.205/ship/kus_heavycorvette/kus_heavycorvette.ship), but that doesn't change the fact that I really shouldn't be modding when I'm supposed to be sleeping :(

Watching again that line makes me ask... do we want heavy corvettes to target frigates first now that they are getting buffed vs them but nerfed vs other corvettes?

I also noticed that resource controllers have an AttackFamily of ResourceLarge, but I don't recall any ship having ResourceLarge in their attack priorities... Maybe ships like bombers, laser corvettes, pulsars, heavy corvettes, ion frigs, (unsure about DDs) and HCs/BCs should target refineries/controllers before collectors as per https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/issues/26#issuecomment-397489474 ideal values?

hgn_assaultcorvette CanAttack: "Fighter, Fighter_hw1, Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Frigate, Utility, Resource,,,,SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip" vgr_missilecorvette CanAttack: "Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Fighter, Fighter_hw1,,,,,,, Frigate, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Utility"

What do you think if I change the vaygr missile corvette to: "Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Fighter, Fighter_hw1, Frigate, Utility, Resource,,,,SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Mothership" and the hiigaran gunship to have "Mothership" at the end of the list? This because kushan ints and light corvettes have "Mothership" at the end of their target priority list too.

kus_interceptor CanAttack: "Fighter, Fighter_hw1, Swarmer, Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Frigate, Utility, Resource,,,, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Mothership" Was "Utility" the value of collectors' AttackFamily in previous versions of HWRM? Because currently it is "Resource", and there aren't many ships that have it in their priority list... as well as ResourceLarge (and NonCombat, but this is fine since it it has the lowest target priority).

vgr_destroyer CanAttack: "Capturer, Frigate, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Mothership, Utility,,,,, Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Fighter, Fighter_hw1" vgr_lasercorvette CanAttack: "Capturer, Frigate, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Utility, Resource,,,,,, Fighter, Fighter_hw1, Corvette, Corvette_hw1" Here I'm noticing that destroyers attack mothership > utility > corvette > fighter > collector/refinery while laser corvettes attack utility > collector > fighter > corvette > mothership/refinery. Maybe destroyers should attack mothership > utility > collector > refinery > fighter > corvette while lasers should attack mothership > utility > refinery > collector > corvette > fighter since kus_ioncannonfrigate attacks BigCapitalShip > Mothership > Utility > corvette > fighter

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

My bad, ya that heavy corv line you posted was from 2.205. But that line was significantly improved in 2.3 long ago:

addAbility(NewShipType,"CanAttack",1,0,1,1,0.35,1,"Corvette, Corvette_hw1, Frigate, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip, Resource, Utility,,,,,,, Fighter, Fighter_hw1, Swarmer, Mothership","frontal_HeavyCorvette", https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/blob/master/2.3/ship/kus_heavycorvette/kus_heavycorvette.ship

Be sure to use a 2.3 file if it exists, and only use 2.205 if it doesn't.

"Watching again that line makes me ask... do we want heavy corvettes to target frigates first now that they are getting buffed vs them but nerfed vs other corvettes?"

Making heavies bad vs corvs is not consistent hw1c or HWR and is not gonna fly. I still need to review Fear's weapon changes, and tweak as needed.

Target priorities can be important vs attack ships (especially for swarm), but they aren't that important vs utility type ships further down the priority list - which the player should be manually targeting as needed. Things towards the bottom of the priority list like Mothership barely matter. hw2c collectors "AttackFamily"="Resource". I believe Relic/Gearbox intentionally left resource units at the bottom/off of many lists so that cpu players wouldn't cripple the income for new players. I really wouldn't waste your time on perfecting target priorities, they're pretty good as is other than your great idea from the OP. Get your sleep! =)

Echo1707 commented 6 years ago

Here is the pull request: https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/pull/74

I'm also adding Swarmers priority and attack style vs them to relevant Taiidan ships (should make it easier for modders to implement Taiidan as the playable race in campaign).

Heavy corvettes shouldn't be bad vs other corvettes, just received a small nerf vs them and a big buff vs frigates (but probably it's okay to leave them as is as per following assault frigs priority): https://github.com/HW-PlayersPatch/2.3/blob/Bleeding-Edge/Props/Taiidan_Changes_Prop.md#heavy-corvettes

I have another question for when you finish reviewing heavy corvettes' and assault frigs' weapons changes: assault frigs currently target frigates as first priority and corvettes as their second priority. Maybe it should be the other way around? They are good vs both, but enemy frigates are easier to target and take down 1 by 1 if you tell your frigates to focus them.

While cheking HCs, I noticed this (just a FYI, I didn't change it; seems like many ships have only one "RepCap"):

cloaked2222 commented 6 years ago

Great move on swarmers. Maybe someday that could be a 2.3 feature. =)

Ya frigates should be just below corvettes in the hw1 assault frigate attack priority.

If you don't see any other ships with 2x RepCap, it looks like it could be a GBX typo. But since you can repair the Kus Heavy Cruiser regardless, I guess it don't matter.