HW-SWeL / Validata

Online frontend for ShEx-validator for restricted deployment environments
MIT License
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ShEx syntax validation not accepting brackets #35

Closed AlasdairGray closed 8 years ago

AlasdairGray commented 9 years ago

The following is valid ShEx but is not accepted by the parser

`SHOULD` (dct:created xsd:date | dct:created  xsd:dateTime | dct:created xsd:gYearMonth | dct:created xsd:gYear | pav:createdOn xsd:dateTime),

Discovered when using the admin tool

AlasdairGray commented 9 years ago

The parser insists on the following syntax `SHOULD dct:created xsd:date | dct:created xsd:dateTime | dct:created xsd:gYearMonth | dct:created xsd:gYear | pav:createdOn xsd:dateTime,` but this then causes issues with the validation of the resources in the RDF file.

AlasdairGray commented 9 years ago

Eric's parser accepts both forms. I could not get it validating with his tool due to the lack of support for rdf:langString in Eric's tool.

AlasdairGray commented 9 years ago

When I get write access to the repository I'll upload the updated version of the HCLS ShEx for testing.