HWCloudEngine / hybrid_cloud

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[Storage Gateway] requirement analysis and solution reseach #77

Open yinweiishere opened 8 years ago

yinweiishere commented 8 years ago
  1. IO mirror solution analysis (LiLiangyu) : done
  2. Journal replay solution analysis(YinWei): ppt done, not discussed yet
  3. DRBD solution analysis: TBD
yinweiishere commented 8 years ago


  1. Journal based solution discussed;

This week plan:

  1. Document journal based solution: background, requirements, arch;
  2. Analyze typical scenarios: write journal; replay journal; create volume; replicate journal;
  3. Finish Iteration plan;
  4. Finish class diagram;
  5. Task assignment;
yinweiishere commented 8 years ago


  1. Document journal based solution: background, requirements, arch: done
  2. Analyze typical scenarios: write journal; replay journal; create volume; done
    1. Finish Iteration plan: done
    2. Finish class diagram: TBD
    3. Task assignment: done


  1. replicate network lib research;
  2. detailed design with class diagram;
yinweiishere commented 7 years ago
  1. refine SG solution to enhance write performance, for TMT review;
  2. analyze and plan hybrid storage with tech planning guy;
  3. discuss smaug v2 features and design;