HWright9 / TunerStudioOS

Arduino Operating System to Connect to Tuner Studio
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

Display ili9341 #4

Closed Ms3pro closed 1 year ago

Ms3pro commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/Ms3pro/DxControl-display-ili9341-/tree/main Hello cool project ! Is it possible to add an ili9341 display for heating steep arrow indicators and bars with menu switching ? For example , you can display several EGT bars on the display . I tried to make the code to display, but I couldn't make the menu. Here is an example of a photo of what I could draw on the display and for this I used an example of someone else 's code , I will send you a link to someone else 's code here . It would also be great to add a gyroscope and accelerometer MPU6050 . https://github.com/KrisKasprzak/GraphingFunction https://youtu.be/U5hOU-xxQgk IMG_20230506_094738 IMG_20230506_094710 Screenshot_2023-04-30-19-07-28-734_com miui videoplayer Screenshot_2023-04-30-19-06-43-592_com miui videoplayer 2211

Ms3pro commented 1 year ago

Screenshot_2023-08-19-20-02-31-860_com miui videoplayer Screenshot_2023-08-19-20-01-38-441_com miui videoplayer Screenshot_2023-08-19-20-01-26-689_com miui videoplayer Screenshot_2023-08-19-20-01-21-638_com miui videoplayer

Ms3pro commented 1 year ago

// Demo code for artifical horizon display // Written for a 160 x 128 TFT display


// Use ONE of these three libraries, comment out other two!

// For S6D02A1 based TFT displays //#include // Bodmer's graphics and font library for S6D02A1 driver chip //TFT_S6D02A1 tft = TFT_S6D02A1(); // Invoke library, pins defined in User_Setup.h // https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_S6D02A1

// For ST7735 based TFT displays

include // Bodmer's graphics and font library for ST7735 driver chip

TFT_ST7735 tft = TFT_ST7735(); // Invoke library, pins defined in User_Setup.h // https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_ST7735

// For ILI9341 based TFT displays (note sketch is currently setup for a 160 x 128 display) //#include // Bodmer's graphics and font library for ILI9341 driver chip //TFT_ILI9341 tft = TFT_ILI9341(); // Invoke library, pins defined in User_Setup.h // https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_ILI9341

define REDRAW_DELAY 17 // minimum delay in milliseconds between display updates

define HOR 63 // Horizon circle outside radius

define HIR 24 // Horizon circle inside radius

define HAW HOR-HIR // Horizon arc width (outside - inside radius)

define BROWN 0x5140 //0x5960

define SKY_BLUE 0x02B5 //0x0318 //0x039B //0x34BF

define DARK_RED 0x8000

define DARK_GREY 0x39C7

define XC 64 // x coord of centre of horizon

define YC 80 // y coord of centre of horizon

define ANGLE_INC 2 // Angle increment for arc segments

define DEG2RAD 0.0174532925

int roll_angle = 0; int roll_delta = 90;

int demo_delta = ANGLE_INC;

unsigned long redrawTime = 0;

// ######################################################################### // Setup, runs once on boot up // #########################################################################

void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200);

tft.begin(); tft.setRotation(0);


// Centre graphics // Draw the inner white arc (360 degrees = a circle) fillArc(XC, YC, 0, 360 / ANGLE_INC, HIR, HIR, 2, DARK_GREY);

// Draw the red cross-hairs tft.fillRect(XC - 21, YC - 1, 42, 3, DARK_RED); tft.fillRect(XC - 1, YC - 21, 3, 42, DARK_RED);

// Draw the two 180 degree arc segments for sky and ground fillArc(XC, YC, -90, 180 / ANGLE_INC, HOR, HOR, HAW, SKY_BLUE); fillArc(XC, YC, 90, 180 / ANGLE_INC, HOR, HOR, HAW, BROWN);

// Draw fixed text tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN); tft.setCursor(10, 0); tft.print("SPD LNAV WNAV PTH"); tft.setCursor(10, 150); tft.print("Lior Z. AHI Display"); }

// ######################################################################### // Main loop, keeps looping around // #########################################################################

void loop() {

// Refresh the display at regular intervals if (millis() > redrawTime) { redrawTime = millis() + REDRAW_DELAY;

unsigned long drawTime = millis(); // Test only

// Change to ramp down the horizon angle for the demo and swap the colours for the direction change
if (roll_angle > (360 - ANGLE_INC)) {
  demo_delta = -ANGLE_INC;
  roll_delta = -90;     // roll_delta is -90 for anticlockwise rotation

// Change to ramp up the horizon angle for the demo and swap the colours for the direction change
if (roll_angle < ANGLE_INC) {
  demo_delta = ANGLE_INC;
  roll_delta = 90;     // roll_delta is +90 for clockwise rotation

// Draw the new parts of the two arc segments 180 degrees apart
// If roll_angle is zero = horizontal
fillArc(XC, YC, roll_angle + roll_delta, 1, HOR, HOR, HAW, SKY_BLUE);
fillArc(XC, YC, roll_angle - roll_delta, 1, HOR, HOR, HAW, BROWN);


// This is for the demo to produce an angle that changes
roll_angle += demo_delta;

//if (roll_angle == 90) delay(1000);

if (millis() - drawTime > REDRAW_DELAY) Serial.println(millis() - drawTime); // Test only to see how long an update takes


} }

// ######################################################################### // Draw a circular or elliptical arc with a defined thickness // #########################################################################

// x,y == coords of centre of arc // start_angle = 0 - 359 // seg_count = number of 6 degree segments to draw (60 => 360 degree arc) // rx = x axis outer radius // ry = y axis outer radius // w = width (thickness) of arc in pixels // colour = 16 bit colour value // Note if rx and ry are the same then an arc of a circle is drawn

int fillArc(int x, int y, int start_angle, int seg_count, int rx, int ry, int w, unsigned int colour) { // Fudge factor adjustment for this sketch (so horizon is horizontal when start anngle is 0) start_angle--;

byte seg = ANGLE_INC; // Segments are INC degrees wide byte inc = ANGLE_INC; // Draw segments every INC degrees, increase for segmented ring

// Calculate first pair of coordinates for segment start float sx = cos((start_angle - 90) DEG2RAD); float sy = sin((start_angle - 90) DEG2RAD); uint16_t x0 = sx (rx - w) + x; uint16_t y0 = sy (ry - w) + y; uint16_t x1 = sx rx + x; uint16_t y1 = sy ry + y;

// Draw colour trapezoids every inc degrees for (int i = start_angle; i < start_angle + seg * seg_count; i += inc) {

// Calculate pair of coordinates for segment end
float sx2 = cos((i + seg - 90) * DEG2RAD);
float sy2 = sin((i + seg - 90) * DEG2RAD);
int x2 = sx2 * (rx - w) + x;
int y2 = sy2 * (ry - w) + y;
int x3 = sx2 * rx + x;
int y3 = sy2 * ry + y;

tft.fillTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, colour);
tft.fillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, colour);

// Copy segment end to sgement start for next segment
x0 = x2;
y0 = y2;
x1 = x3;
y1 = y3;

} }

// ######################################################################### // Draw the information // #########################################################################

void drawInfo(void) { // side vertical lines tft.fillRect( 15, 30, 5, 100, DARK_GREY); tft.fillRect(108, 30, 5, 100, DARK_GREY);

tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); tft.setCursor(2, 30); tft.print("20"); tft.setCursor(2, 122); tft.print("20"); tft.setCursor(2, 50); tft.print("10"); tft.setCursor(2, 102); tft.print("10"); tft.setCursor(115, 30); tft.print("20"); tft.setCursor(115, 122); tft.print("20"); tft.setCursor(115, 50); tft.print("10"); tft.setCursor(115, 102); tft.print("10");


HWright9 commented 1 year ago

Hi, This project is just trying to provide the communication interface to Tuner Studio. The application you asked about is really up to the user (you) otherwise the project will quickly use up the system resources implementing features other people might not need. But certainly it's possible, I would start as you have looking up other peoples code and examples etc.

Some idea's for you. Menu's: Create switch statements with a enumerated variable. You can do submenus by adding more variables, Something like

typedef enum { menu_main 1 menu_bargraphs 2 menu_error 3 etc.... } T_e_MenuSelector

T_e_MenuSelector CurrentMainMenu;

then somewhere in your code...

Switch (T_e_MenuSelector) case (menu_main) draw_mainMenu(); break; case(menu_bargraphs) .... and so on.

and some sort of user interface that changes the value of CurrentMainMenu.

OR why not just connect a bluetooth module to the arduino and send the serial data to readDash/ msDroid or something like that as a display on a phone/tablet? It will save a lot of drawing and coding on the arduino.