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Open 0xbitx opened 9 months ago

0xbitx commented 9 months ago
import os
import subprocess
import time
import pyfiglet

from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style

# Sample user data (replace this with reading from the 'logins' file)
users = {
   "aearnes01": {"password": "password", "clearance_level": "SSC"},
   "dragondung": {"password": "bigdickrandy", "clearance_level": "SSC"},
   "daroon": {"password": "sailor", "clearance_level": "Student"},
   "adming2341":{"password": "director","clearance_level": "SSC"},

# Sample files data with classification levels (replace this with reading from directories)
files = {
   "SSC-Agent-List": {"classification": "SSC", "content": "Project Leader: Alexa Earnest,Head Agent: AdminG2341, Agent: Donovin Mundie, Agent: Darren Saylor."},
   "OperationAlpha": {"classification": "SCA", "content": "Attempt to 'Break Into' the school through a back door, durring lunch.\nThe Objective is to see if it is possile for anyone, an adult, to break in as well.\n \nAssigned Agents: Alexa Earnest \n \nDate: November 29th, 2023 | C Lunch\n \nResults: Successfully Broke Into the School \n \nDetails: Exited School at the Door at the end of D Hall Near the Activity Directors Office.\n I proceeded to Go to the door at the outside staircase near the C200s, a person came to the door and nodded no,\n they wouldnt let me in. I then walked the path to the YMCA and walked back, \n and headed to door C5 or D5 the one where the courtyard meets C100's and I was let in after I knocked on the door."},
   "OperationBravo": {"classification": "SCA", "content": ""},
def git_pull():
   subprocess.run(['git', 'pull'])
# Function to authenticate users
def authenticate():
   os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')  # Clears the terminal screen
   custom_fig = pyfiglet.Figlet(font='slant')
   ascii_art = custom_fig.renderText('Agent Login')
   username = input("USERNAME: ")
   password = input("PASSWORD: ")

   # Simulating authorization check with a loading bar
   print("Checking authorization...")
   progress_width = 20
   for i in range(progress_width + 1):
       time.sleep(0.1)  # Simulating authorization check delay
       progress = "=" * i + " " * (progress_width - i)
       print(f"\r{Fore.GREEN}[{progress}] {i * 100 // progress_width}%{Style.RESET_ALL} ", end="", flush=True)
   # Simulated authentication success
   if username in users and password == users[username]["password"]:
       os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')  # Clears the terminal screen
       print(f"\n{Fore.GREEN}Authentication successful!{Style.RESET_ALL}")
       return users[username]["clearance_level"]
       return None

# Function to display available files based on user's clearance level
def display_files(clearance_level):
   time.sleep(5)  # Simulating authorization check delay
   os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')  # Clears the terminal screen
   custom_fig = pyfiglet.Figlet(font='slant')
   ascii_art = custom_fig.renderText('SSC Archives')
   print("| Available files:")
   for file_name, file_info in files.items():
       file_classification = file_info["classification"]
       if (clearance_level == "SSC" and file_classification in ["SSC", "SCA", "Student"]) or \
          (clearance_level == "SCA" and file_classification in ["SCA", "Student"]) or \
          (clearance_level == "Student" and file_classification == "Student"):
           print(f"| {Fore.GREEN}{file_name} - Classification: {file_classification}{Style.RESET_ALL}")  # Display in green color for better visibility

# Function to view file content based on user's choice
def view_file_content(choice):
   if choice in files:
       os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')  # Clears the terminal screen
       custom_fig = pyfiglet.Figlet(font='slant')
       ascii_art = custom_fig.renderText(choice)
       print(f"{Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT}File content:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n{Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT}{files[choice]['content']}{Style.RESET_ALL}")
       print("Invalid File Choice.")
# Main function
def main():
   clearance = authenticate()
   if clearance:
       print(f"Welcome! Your clearance level is {Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT}{clearance}{Style.RESET_ALL}.")
       file_choice = input("Enter the file you want to view: ")
       print(f"\n{Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT}Authentication failed.{Style.RESET_ALL}")  # Display in red color for failure
       time.sleep(2)  # Simulating authorization check delay
# Run the program
if __name__ == "__main__":
HXCHS commented 9 months ago

Yea so? Its good enough to fool admins