HYCHAIN / guardian-node-software

The command line interface for windows, mac and linux to run HYCHAIN's guardian node software. Guardian node keys can be purchased at https://node.hychain.com - Learn more about Guardian Nodes here: https://docs.hychain.com/docs/how-do-i-operate-a-node
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Got error Transaction reverted without a reason string #7

Open dekkeng opened 4 months ago

dekkeng commented 4 months ago

It's randomly happen daily since few days ago. I have 2 keys in seperate wallets (both delegate to my operator wallet) It works normally until sometime randomly got this error and node exited.

            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

Error: unexpected call exception: { action: undefined, reason: missing revert data in call exception; Transaction reverted without a reason string }
    at onCallException (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at defaultOnError (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at retry2 (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async getLatestChallengeBatchNum (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
    at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)
alvarlaigna commented 4 months ago

I believe mine is a duplicate. I've added it later, forgot to verify that one already reported. https://github.com/HYCHAIN/guardian-node-software/issues/9