HYCHAIN / guardian-node-software

The command line interface for windows, mac and linux to run HYCHAIN's guardian node software. Guardian node keys can be purchased at https://node.hychain.com - Learn more about Guardian Nodes here: https://docs.hychain.com/docs/how-do-i-operate-a-node
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Missing revert data in call exception; Transaction reverted without a reason string #9

Open alvarlaigna opened 4 months ago

alvarlaigna commented 4 months ago

node:internal/process/promises:288 triggerUncaughtException(err, true / fromPromise /); ^

Error: unexpected call exception: { action: undefined, reason: missing revert data in call exception; Transaction reverted without a reason string } at onCallException (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at defaultOnError (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at retry2 (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async getFirstOpenChallenge (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js) at async runGuardian (/snapshot/esbuild/guardian-cli.js)

Node.js v18.5.0

alvarlaigna commented 3 months ago

This still happens quite often. New version that solves this coming up anytime soon?

alvarlaigna commented 2 months ago

I'm thinking that it might be related when the internet goes off. Sometimes our ISP does updates and there's issues with connectivity. Other similar nodes usually can handle such things, but something goes off here and it cannot handle this properly.

This should not crash the node.