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Michael: Workflows, 2weeks #128

Open MichaelMugaiga opened 2 years ago

MichaelMugaiga commented 2 years ago

[my fork of module repository]()

Learning Objectives

🥚 0. Local Development Without Git

Practice the foundational workflows of software development by learning to write Markdown locally on your own computer using Visual Studio Code (VSCode), the Command Line Interface (CLI), and NPM scripts to automate your code's quality (formatting, linting and spell checking).

🥚 1. Local Development With Git

Practice using Git to save and organize your development process. You will learn how you can use Git to go back to previous versions of your project, and to work on different changes in parallel.

🥚 1. Local/Remote Development

Learn how you can connect your local Git repositories with a GitHub repository to add more structure to your development process and to share your projects.

MichaelMugaiga commented 2 years ago

I Need Help With:

At the moment I don't need help.

What went well?

Working with Markdown, cloning the repository, creating branch as well as going from one branch to another using git checkout, committing and pushing any changes to my developments.

What went less well?

I had a challenge with my code verification using npm, some npm commands couldn't run because I had a lower version nodejs installed on my computer. I downloaded a new version and installed it. after upgrading nodejs I was able to run npm commands to verify my code.

Lessons Learned

I have learned that after any changes to the code or a software update during the process of committing code, we need to re-run npm install to verify our code again and thereafter proceed with committing and pushing the changes. This is because after upgrading my nodejs I didn't run this command again and went straight to the command that had earlier failed before the software upgrade, then during merging my pull request, my instructor Tugba highlighted some missing info, and advised me to re-run npm install. All was fine after re-running this command

Sunday Prep Work

I'm now going through Sunday's material.

What materials were most helpful (from HYF or elsewhere)?

I found two very helpful and interesting websites about GitHub. https://www.earthdatascience.org/workshops/intro-version-control-git/pull-request/ this has notes on git and GitHub and explains all commands used.

I recommend this for anyone who is trying to learn or get familiar with git hub. learngitbranching.js.org

yildiztugba commented 2 years ago

hi @MichaelMugaiga, you are going well!!

You did great with sharing the materials that was helpful for you on Slack.

I recommend this for anyone who is trying to learn or get familiar with git hub. learngitbranching.js.org

MichaelMugaiga commented 2 years ago

Workflows: Week 2

I Need Help With: At the moment I don't need help.

What went well? Creating discussions, linking a pull request to an issue, modifying code locally on my computer and using the git push to push the changes to the repo. Creating directories and adding files to them.

What went less well? I had challenge deleting a commit to files that I had already pushed to repo, it was challenging and eye opening to further information on github. For instance I added to commit package.json files and pushed to the repo, undoing this commit was challenging and it was new for me to do on already pushed files without any impact.

Lessons Learned I now have a clear and straight forward understanding of GitHub pull requests and how they are used to submit changes to a repo, github collaboration on who you want to review an issue or pull request and how issues are used to track changes as well as using discussions for changes in the github repo.

Sunday Prep Work Currently doing practice on HTML and CSS .