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Azima: Asynchronous Programming , 3weeks #344

Open AzimaKai opened 1 year ago

AzimaKai commented 1 year ago

Learning Objectives πŸ₯š You understand the JavaScript Event Loop, and can demonstrate this by using setTimeout and setInterval to schedule simple tasks. πŸ₯š You can explain why Asynchronous Programming is important for programs that have blocking and non-blocking tasks. πŸ₯š You can explain the basics of the Client/Server model and HTTP requests and can fetch data from RESTful APIs. 🐣 You can break down an asynchronous problem into smaller tasks and solve it using promises. This includes identify which tasks depend on each other and which are independent: dependent tasks: The return value from one task is required to start the next task, these must be completed in a specific order - .then independent tasks: These tasks do not use each other's return values, they can be completed at the same time - Promise.allsystem. 🐣 You can fetch data from an API and render it into the DOM using /api-calls, /handlers and async/await syntax. 🐣 You can write unit tests for functions that return promises using async/await syntax.

[my fork of module repository]()

Learning Objectives

AzimaKai commented 1 year ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

mostly i am stuck with exercises from study lenses

What went well?

Just simple understanding what async and sync.js and difference between them, and understanding js promise.

What went less well?


Lessons Learned

promise, async await

Sunday Prep Work

raymundovr commented 1 year ago

Hi @AzimaKai, did you find any difficulties with the exercices? I'm also available on Slack if you prefer.