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Brian Munene: Headless CMS, 3 weeks #354

Open BrianMunene96 opened 1 year ago

BrianMunene96 commented 1 year ago

Learning Objectives

Week 1

🥚 Understanding what a content management system is, and why people use it 🥚 Given an existing CMS installation fill in and publish a new piece of content 🥚 Perform a simple HTTP call via postman to retrieve a piece of information. 🐣 Extend and adapt an existing CMS configuration 🐣 Perform an HTTP call with filtering via Postman 🐣 Perform an HTTP call with "include" via Postman 🐣 Perform an HTTP POST call to create new data 🐣 Perform an HTTP PUT call to update existing data 🐣 Configuring endpoint permissions (Authentication vs Authorization) 🐥 Design a data model from scratch based on user requirements

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