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Xin Lou : Work Flows : 2 Weeks #35

Open XinGITLou opened 1 year ago

XinGITLou commented 1 year ago

The learning objective is in your module repo

Local development without git:

Local development with git:

Local/Remote development:

Remote Collaboration:

Open Source Development:

week 1 check in

I need help with :

Nothing yet

What went well:

I was able to practice on git commands and work with other people collaboratively.

What went less well:

Accidentally pushed main branch.

Lessons Learned:

need to pay more attention to details

Sunday prepare work:

I did some preview on Sunday's class and reviewed what we have learned so far.

Learning Objectives

Using git commands to work in group project.

Week 2 Check-in

I Need Help With:

Better and more effective communication with the group

What went well?

I was able to have a better understanding how programmers work collaborativelty.

What went less well?

Need to double check branch before pushing any code.

Lessons Learned

  1. How to create a issue and group project.
  2. How issues and project, PR work in a group project.

Sunday Preparation

Learning Agile development online before Sunday class

Week 3 Check-in

I Need Help With:

Nothing yet.

What went well?

Team communication, i have better understanding of how agile development works.

What went less well?

Team members' skill level differentiates, though we managed to pull it through.

Lessons Learned

Communication is the key to a successful project.

Sunday Prep Work

I did some preview on Sunday's subject.

Week 4 Check-in

I Need Help With:

Nothing yet.

What went well?

Learned more about HTML and CSS

What went less well?

There are few bugs (css styling order) in the project.

Lessons Learned

I need to spend more time practicing CSS.

Sunday Prep Work

Looked through materials for Sunday class. Inspected HYF website for the next project.

Week 5 Check-in

I Need Help With:

Nothing yet.

What went well?

Managed to do the html and css part of hyf without copying and pasting

What went less well?

There are a few bugs in the website

Lessons Learned

I commented all the bugs and places I have question

Sunday Prepare

I went through different method to do responsive website such as media query, css grid and flex box

samirm00 commented 1 year ago

@XinGITLou You already have a check-in issue , why did create a new one ?

XinGITLou commented 1 year ago

Sorry , thought the first one was closed

samirm00 commented 1 year ago

@XinGITLou That is up to you and your team to find a good way to communicate. 1- why didn't you post the learning objective list at the top of your issue ?

samirm00 commented 1 year ago

Sorry , thought the first one was closed

check-in never closed