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King : Node.js : 3 weeks #195

Open GKing3 opened 3 months ago

GKing3 commented 3 months ago

Learning Objectives

  1. Introduction to Node.js

    • [x] Understand what Node.js is.
    • [x] Differentiate between Node.js and Browser JavaScript.
    • [x] Explore server-side JavaScript.
    • [ ] Learn about non-blocking I/O.
    • [ ] Understand event-driven architecture.
  2. Setting Up Node.js

    • [x] Install Node.js and npm.
    • [x] Manage versions with nvm.
    • [x] Create your first Node.js script.
    • [x] Run scripts with Node.js.
  3. Modules and npm

    • [x] Import and export modules.
    • [ ] Create and publish npm packages.
    • [ ] Manage dependencies with package.json.
    • [ ] Install and update packages.
  4. File System Operations

    • [ ] Read and write files.
    • [ ] Work with directories.
    • [ ] Compare asynchronous vs. synchronous file operations.
  5. Debugging Node.js Applications

    • [ ] Explore debugging tools and techniques.
    • [ ] Use the Node.js debugger.
    • [ ] Debug memory leaks.
    • [ ] Understand callbacks.
    • [ ] Avoid callback hell.
    • [ ] Apply the error-first callback pattern.
  6. Event Loop and Callbacks

    • [ ] Understand the event-driven programming model.
    • [ ] Use the EventEmitter class.
    • [ ] Handle events with callbacks.
  7. HTTP Server with Node.js

    • [ ] Create a basic HTTP server.
    • [ ] Handle HTTP requests and responses.
    • [ ] Implement routing in a server.
  8. Express.js Framework

    • [x] Get introduced to Express.js.
    • [x] Create routes and handle requests.
    • [ ] Understand middleware and its role in Express.js.
  9. Middleware in Express.js

    • [ ] Write custom middleware.
    • [ ] Use built-in middleware for common tasks.
    • [ ] Implement error handling middleware.
  10. RESTful APIs with Express.js

    • [ ] Design RESTful APIs.
    • [ ] Handle CRUD operations.
    • [ ] Use Express.js for API development.
  11. Authentication and Authorization

    • [ ] Explore user authentication strategies.