HZ-HBO-ICT / it-conference

Official repository for the IT-Conference
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Feature request: WYSIWYG (markdown) editor for comany and presentation details #429

Open dwaard opened 1 month ago

dwaard commented 1 month ago

We need rich text for description fields like company details.


Use this component just like a textarea:

<x-rich-textarea id="description" wire:model="form.description"
                              name="description" required
v-stamenova commented 2 days ago

It seems like we'd have to make some sort of trade-off if we decide to use one. For now the viable options seem to be:

All of them are JS editor which makes styling a pain. SimpleMDN is rather outdated (there haven't been any activity over 8 years there); Milkdown is actively in development (but the plugins are not matching our needs exactly e.g. the menu) and WYSIMARK again is hard to customize.