Hi, thanks for the great paper and work.
I am trying to reproduce the results for Market1501 dataset. I use the same hyperparameters mentioned in the paper.
During training, after 14 epochs, the Keypoint generator stops producing any output for fake and recovered images. Have you experienced this? Any leads on how this can be fixed?
The paper states that OpenPose is used for body keypoint output for the first few epochs. Please explain how this has been incorporated in the code. I do not see any loading of a pretrained openpose model in the training code.
A little more detail on how the training was conducted for Market 1501 will be helpful to me (which model for netG and netD)
Hi, thanks for the great paper and work. I am trying to reproduce the results for Market1501 dataset. I use the same hyperparameters mentioned in the paper.
Thanks, jysa01