Ha3MrX / Gemail-Hack

python script for Hack gmail account brute force
950 stars 374 forks source link

My strong dislike about the code #43

Open TotallyNotAHaxxer opened 2 years ago

TotallyNotAHaxxer commented 2 years ago

1: why did you make the main definiton the banner? it would be alot more easier if you had python read from a list and throw it into a function like def banner(): main def's always should have the main code block in them

2: the code is very unorganized and messy, if your going to make code make sure its nice and neat, this helps with solving bugs, errors, and other issues within the script

3: i know your intent here was to make a brute forcing tool but you can add options for itterating through a wordlist of passwords on command line flags, adding a help menu etc

4: why dont you use threading? brute forcing can take a long time especially when reading from lists of over 1.5million passwords and lines in them, and if you do not have threading then the process becomes way more slower, especially since your using python

5: stop using the system clear command, clear only appends to linux based systems not unix and not windows, try to use a ascii string instead