HaArLiNsH / TextureReplacerReplaced

The continuation of TextureReplacer, a plugin for replacing original textures in Kerbal Space Program.
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New syntax: HEADS #31

Closed Sigma88 closed 7 years ago

Sigma88 commented 7 years ago

custom "Heads" folders can be defined like custom "Default" folders.

Texture should be stored in a subfolder of the custom "Heads" (called "Male" or "Female")

so, for example I could make a mod called "Avatar" to have blue kerbals.

My mod would need to have a folder structure similar to this: img

and I can tell TRR to load head textures using this cfg:

        Heads = Avatar/BlueFaces/

NOTE: even the textures inside TextureReplacerReplaced/Heads/ should be divided into subfolders called "Male" and "Female"

NOTE2: with this setup it's not required to have a line to specify which textures are female