HaNdTriX / generator-chrome-extension-kickstart

Scaffold out a Web Extension http://yeoman.io
MIT License
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How add jQuery or third parties library? #15

Open franklt69 opened 7 years ago

franklt69 commented 7 years ago

Hi I am playing with this kickstart I am new in chrome extension and I wondering which benefit have to use webpack, and how I can add libraries like jquery, knockout, bootstrap.js

best regards, Frank

HaNdTriX commented 7 years ago

The main benefit using webpack is that you can use the ES2015 module system.


If you want to use jQuery add I recommend adding it to the build script as an external.

  1. Install jQuery: $ npm install jQuery --save
  2. Add jQuery with the provide plugin. This allows you to use jQuery plugins as well.

    Open: tasks/scripts.js and add

    plugins: [
      new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        $: 'jquery',
        jQuery: 'jquery'


  1. Install bootstrap: $ npm install bootstrap --save

  2. Require the js modules you need:

    import 'bootstrap/js/affix.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/alert.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/button.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/carousel.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/collapse.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/dropdown.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/modal.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/scrollspy.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/tab.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/transition.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/tooltip.js'
    import 'bootstrap/js/popover.js'
  3. Require the less/scss Modules you need in your less/scss file

    // applicaiton toolkit
    @import "./variables";
    @import "bootstrap/less/mixins";
    // Reset and dependencies
    @import "bootstrap/less/normalize";
    @import "bootstrap/less/print";
    // Core CSS
    @import "bootstrap/less/scaffolding";
    @import "bootstrap/less/type";
    @import "bootstrap/less/code";
    @import "bootstrap/less/tables";
    @import "bootstrap/less/forms";
    @import "bootstrap/less/buttons";
    @import "bootstrap/less/grid";
    // Components
    @import "bootstrap/less/component-animations";
    @import "bootstrap/less/dropdowns";
    @import "bootstrap/less/button-groups";
    @import "bootstrap/less/input-groups";
    @import "bootstrap/less/navs";
    @import "bootstrap/less/navbar";
    @import "bootstrap/less/breadcrumbs";
    @import "bootstrap/less/pagination";
    @import "bootstrap/less/pager";
    @import "bootstrap/less/labels";
    @import "bootstrap/less/badges";
    @import "bootstrap/less/jumbotron";
    @import "bootstrap/less/thumbnails";
    @import "bootstrap/less/alerts";
    @import "bootstrap/less/progress-bars";
    @import "bootstrap/less/media";
    @import "bootstrap/less/list-group";
    @import "bootstrap/less/panels";
    @import "bootstrap/less/responsive-embed";
    @import "bootstrap/less/wells";
    @import "bootstrap/less/close";
    // Components w/ JavaScript
    @import "bootstrap/less/modals";
    @import "bootstrap/less/tooltip";
    @import "bootstrap/less/popovers";
    @import "bootstrap/less/carousel";
iamchriswick commented 7 years ago

Exactly where in tasks/scripts.js do you add the code?

 externals: {
   // require("jquery") is external and available
   //  on the global var jQuery
   "jquery": "jQuery"

I've added it between here, but I just get a $ is not defined ReferenceError

watch: args.watch,
plugins: [

I just started playing with this today, and I'm trying to add sweetalert2, but not exactly sure how to proceed with adding the JavaScript and less/scss modules I need...

HaNdTriX commented 7 years ago

@iamchriswick I have updated my answer with a better approach.

Remove the externals stuff and use webpacks provide plugin.

import gulp from 'gulp';
import gulpif from 'gulp-if';
import { log, colors} from 'gulp-util';
import named from 'vinyl-named';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import gulpWebpack from 'webpack-stream';
import plumber from 'gulp-plumber';
import livereload from 'gulp-livereload';
import args from './lib/args';

const ENV = args.production ? 'production' : 'development';

gulp.task('scripts', (cb) => {
  return gulp.src('app/scripts/*.js')
      errorHandler: function() {
        // Webpack will log the errors
      devtool: args.sourcemaps ? 'inline-source-map': null,
      watch: args.watch,
      plugins: [
        new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
          $: 'jquery',
          jQuery: 'jquery'
        new webpack.DefinePlugin({
          'process.env': {
            'NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(ENV)
          '__ENV__': JSON.stringify(ENV),
          '__VENDOR__': JSON.stringify(args.vendor)
      ].concat(args.production ? [
        new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()
      ] : []),
      module: {
        preLoaders: [{
          test: /\.js$/,
          loader: 'eslint-loader',
          exclude: /node_modules/
        loaders: [{
          test: /\.js$/,
          loader: 'babel'
      eslint: {
        configFile: '.eslintrc'
    }, null, (err, stats) => {
      log(`Finished '${colors.cyan('scripts')}'`, stats.toString({
        chunks: false,
        colors: true,
        cached: false,
        children: false
    .pipe(gulpif(args.watch, livereload()));
OmgImAlexis commented 7 years ago

@HaNdTriX is there a reason you suggest using webpack over just importing the package?

import $ from 'jquery';
HaNdTriX commented 7 years ago

Often importing jQuery directly will just work fine. Nevertheless if you are using jQuery plugins you might need to use the approach above to make it work.