HaNdTriX / generator-chrome-extension-kickstart

Scaffold out a Web Extension http://yeoman.io
MIT License
239 stars 33 forks source link

Firefox can't install extension #9

Closed oori closed 8 years ago

oori commented 8 years ago

Firefox can't install a freshly generated extension out of the box. Tested both with unpacked & packed, ff & ff-dev-edition. Add-on installations always spits:

There was an error during installation: getURL may not be called before an `id` or `uuid` has been set

try "out of the box":

yo chrome-extension-kickstart
gulp build --vendor=firefox
gulp pack --vendor=firefox
HaNdTriX commented 8 years ago

Adding the following property in your manifest.json should help:

"__firefox__applications": {
  "gecko": {
    "id": "addon@example.com",
    "strict_min_version": "45.0"

applications is mandatory for Firefox, and specifies the add-on's ID. It may also be used to specify the minimum and maximum versions of Firefox that this add-on supports.

More Info

Please note that the key __firefox__applications will be converted to applications by this generator.

oori commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot !

This works when using "browser_action", but for whatever (unrelated?) reason, I can't make "page_action" work in FF. The addon loads and functions correctly (options page, etc..), but the extension icon is not seen in FF's address bar (in chrome it works).

I guess this problem isn't related to the original issue, so I close it..