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http://localhost:8083/blog/2022-12-19-the-enterprise-monorepo-angular-patterns/ #3

Closed utterances-bot closed 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

The Enterprise Monorepo Angular Patterns

Nx is a commonly used tool for monorepositories and is the top dog in the Angular community when it comes to building enterprise applications. Nx has many awesome features that help with scaling enterprise applications, but the greatest feature of them all is the nx/enforce-module-boundaries linting rule (also often referred to as access restrictions). When set up correctly, it allows for enforcing architecture rules and for automated validation with the linter. But these access restrictions assume a very specific structuring, which follows fine-grained horizontal and vertical slicing.


HaasStefan commented 1 year ago

I have an improved variation of the Enterprise Monorepo Pattern in this repository: https://github.com/HaasStefan/ng-journal-insurance-portal