HabibAli / FCM-Xamarin-Forms

Many peoples are concerned about adding FCM to their android project under Xamarin Forms. The firebase library doesn't get installed under xamarin forms due to version issue of Android support lib in xamarin forms. So here is the workaround
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Message not showed correctly in Android #5

Open JoseMPersichini opened 7 years ago

JoseMPersichini commented 7 years ago

Hello, I downloaded and installed your solution. Only I change the SENDER_ID and try to send messages via Firebase Cloud Messaging Console. My smartphone receives the messages correctly, but the text are incorrect. I get this in msg var of "OnMessage" method of GcmService.cs

{google.c.a.c_l=MyLabel google.c.a.udt=0 google.sent_time=... gcm.notification.e=1 google.c.a.c_id=... google.c.a.ts=... gcm.n.e=1 from=.... google.message_id=... gcm.notification.body=MyText google.c.a.e=1 collapse_key=com.fcm.sample }

where the text I set is MyText and label is MyLabel. (Where I put ... I have my sender_id, etc...)

So in my smartphone I see "Unknown message details" and the text I pasted below.


JoseMPersichini commented 7 years ago

I solved it setting string message = intent.Extras.GetString("gcm.notification.body"); to get text of the notification.

Nuxli83 commented 7 years ago

Implement your solution in my project and since a few days when I send notifications from firebase console do not reach my client application, is there any new FCM update for GCM because scontinuan not working notifications do not arrive when sending from firebase console also download your Project and do you have any suggestions ???

StephenBarker commented 7 years ago

Are you sending to the correct app or target? If you have not changed the target it will subscribe to "/all". As far as FCM and or GCM updates, I have not seen any that should affect messaging.

Topic of all:

screen shot 2017-08-16 at 10 58 00 pm

Directed per app:

screen shot 2017-08-16 at 10 55 54 pm

If you see this, where it tells you the topic is not found but you know you have typed in the correct topic we may need to check to see if your device is registering with Firebase at all. Also note the first device registers with a topic (topic is created by phone on Firebase) can take up to 24 hours before it is usable.

screen shot 2017-08-16 at 10 58 11 pm
Nuxli83 commented 7 years ago

Notifications are still not being sent when sending them from firebase. I notice when I run my application in visual studio 2015 in the output window I notice that there is an error that says Failed to resolve target intent service, skipping classname enforcement, I do not know if that is affecting for the notifications to arrive and if it is asu how could solve ?. Thank you

Nuxli83 commented 7 years ago

Seriously Xamarin, this issue is from April, it is bad (blocks use of Firebase) and no-one from the team has responded in any way in all this time. Has all Xamarin development been stopped? Or just the really important parts such as addressing critical bugs?