Running it through pngcrush -q -rem gAMA -rem alla -rem text brings it down to 194KB, running that through optipng -o9 brings it down to 192KB and then finally running that through advpng -z -4 brings it down to 175KB.
That's a 133KB saving (43% reduction in size) without changing the image at all.
I'm not a grunt expert so I'm not sure how to add that to the build script, but it seems to be worth it (especially on mobile).
sorry @fmarier , haven't forgotten about you or ignoring you. I see , I'll tackle getting that into the grunt process soon as I squash some criticals. Thanks for the PR, man - stay tuned!
@benmanley I checked out the link you posted, but it looks like it requires 3 downloads for Mac Applications. There's got to be a way to do this that doesn't require a Mac (or additional downloads on the part of the user), right?
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