HabitRPG / habitica

A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
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CLOSED. Pixel Art Thread: Pets & Mounts #942

Closed StanLindsey closed 10 years ago

StanLindsey commented 11 years ago


USE THE TRELLO PIXEL BOARD INSTEAD!! https://trello.com/b/vwuE9fbO/habitrpg-pixel-art

This Github Thread is now permanently closed. Feel free to unsubscribe.... and head on over to the new Trello :D

Classes - #943 Quests - #945 Miscellaneous - #946

zoebeagle commented 11 years ago

I will work on recoloring, no problem at all! I'll start with the dragon so we don't work on the same stuff. :)

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

@zoebeagle I think we're separating by colors, not animals? So I've already started on the Desert and Shadow Dragons, anyway.

zoebeagle commented 11 years ago

@fuzzytrees Oh, my bad! Hmmm... I will start with skeletal (undead) then.

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

@zoebeagle ok, cool! Good idea, those might be past my skill level.


lemoness commented 11 years ago

@zoebeagle @fuzzytrees Awesome summaries! You took the words right out of my keyboard. And yup, we're recoloring by color family :D I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Cactus and Pig will be up tonight. (I hope.)

In the meantime, here's the important art from the old thread:

The master pet sheet: habitrpg petref

@Shaners ' backer pet, Cerberus! dlcerb

lemoness commented 11 years ago

Pet and Mount Mechanics:

@Shaners ' eggs dleggs1 dleggs2 dleggs3

My hatching potions: egg sprite sheet2

@Shaners ' food for the mount system: dlfood1 dlfood2 dlfood4

dlfood3 (Not the gem obviously)

lemoness commented 11 years ago

And some fun miscellaneous pet stuff: @Shaners ' Etherial Lion, or at least a version of it. dllion

A quick graphic I threw together of pets in a BQ stable stablemasterbg

@Pandoro 's new roosters, for a second tier round of pets. (New pets are currently low priority, but should be eventually used!) dlrooster

@Pandoro 's sheep - possibly too big? dlsheep

@Shaners ' pets in various states of completion, including the upcoming Marshmallow Slimes dlshane

@zoebeagle 's potential flame/slime pet? dlslime2

lemoness commented 11 years ago

PHEW! That's it for now. New sprite sheet with mounts will be up soon as I can.

lemoness commented 11 years ago

New Mount Sprite Sheet!! @Shaners, make any and all adjustments necessary.


People doing recolors, please note that the body and the head should be presented separately, as in the above! This is for layering :)

And here's a group photo!


zoebeagle commented 11 years ago

I need some help on this one. Does this look okay? dragonskel

jessjolliffe commented 11 years ago

I had a go at some Zombie variants. Don't know if any of it is usable!


lefnire commented 11 years ago

@ashjolliffe ???? Holy crap man, great job - I didn't know you did pixel art :o

Shaners commented 11 years ago

These are really nice! The wolf especially is pretty chilling.


On May 14, 2013, at 5:35 AM, ashjolliffe notifications@github.com wrote:

I had a go at some Zombie variants. Don't know if any of it is usable!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

StanLindsey commented 11 years ago

@ashjolliffe I ruddy love you.

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

Shadow everything! The program I'm using doesn't do transparency, apparently, so the background's white (sorry). shadow_mount_sheet

Desert everything coming up shortly!

lefnire commented 11 years ago

@fuzzytrees looks like we got another out-of-nowhere expert artist! Eff yeah! great job my friend, great job!!

lefnire commented 11 years ago

@fuzzytrees same uname on habitrpg.com? You get a contrib achievement my friend :)

Shaners commented 11 years ago

Great stuff! I should be able to manage removing the white pixels fine.

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

@lefnire Thank you thank you! Glad you like them! Yeah, same username :smile: (you might be able to see why I colored the shadow-flying-pig-mount first) Thank you!

@Shaners Great! Thank you!

@zoebeagle that looks pretty good to me, though I don't know what the other artists might've had in mind.

Shaners commented 11 years ago

@zoebeagle you might want to consider the structure of an animal a bit more which are usually made up of organs, skeletal structure, muscles attached to that, tendons etc and skin over all of that. I know it's hard to represent things at this level but with that current design it almost looks like the dragon takes up the same amount of space but has just turned white. Trying picturing removing the skin, muscles, organs etc and what you might be left with. Overall there is going to be a reduction in volume especially in the belly, tail and some in the forelegs. Real anatomical references are always better but check these out maybe for a better idea of what I mean: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/339/6/7/Dragon_Skeleton_by_Consell.jpg http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/119/c/0/Chinese_Dragon_Skeleton_by_Ahrkeath.jpg

Good luck! The skeletons are probably some of the hardest to do.

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

And here are the Desert Mounts! desert_mount_sheet

zoebeagle commented 11 years ago

@Shaners I knew I shouldn't have picked the skeletons! Back to the drawing board :)

lemoness commented 11 years ago

@fuzzytrees Shade mounts look great! Ooh, my Shade fox is going to be so cool as a mount :D And I also like the Desert mounts, especially the wolf. (One comment - the pig's cheeks might be a little bright?) Amazing job. @zoebeagle Keep at it! And you can always start with a different recolor to warm up if you want. Shane said everything I was going to, except that you might also want to think about a way to experiment with the shading on the outline of the body - if you look at the original dragon, you'll notice that in some places its actually dark green. That will help with perspective. @ashjolliffe Those are ALL INCREDIBLE. Seriously, keep going!!! Wow, wow, wow.

nathander commented 11 years ago

Hello all! I had a go at the red mounts. I'd be happy to hear your feedback!


nathander commented 11 years ago

I also made an attempt at the skeletal lion. Here are three versions. Any thoughts? 3_skeletal_lions

Shaners commented 11 years ago

@RandallStanhope awesome stuff! These recolours are really coming along! I think I'm liking that middle skeleton lion.

jessjolliffe commented 11 years ago

The cactus is proving annoying for the moment, but I'm fairly happy with these. Might redo the dragon wing. mount_spritesheet3

Worky commented 11 years ago

Excellent! These are awesome!

Although i would prefer the dragon with unfolded tail. Folded tail makes the dragon look like he's weak/scared or sweet/cute, depends how you see it.

Excellent job non the less guys! Bravo!

lefnire commented 11 years ago

Like in the course of 3 days, fantastic work by tons of new pixel artists joining our ranks. Simply amazing. @SlappyBag and I were chatting offline, between mounts and translations - what happened recently that brought all this new wonderful talent?

StanLindsey commented 11 years ago

Prey tell!

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

I'm here because a) I like this game b) the mount mock-up pictures are cool and I want one NOW so I'm trying to hurry ya'll up. (though looking at the Trello boards I realize this still needs to be coded and all that. Hmmm. Oh well.) c) I'm a procrastinator, and coloring is fun!

Shaners commented 11 years ago

Yea the cactus to odd because he/she isn't really meat based. Maybe try to think of a rotting piece of fruit for inspiration of where parts might fall off. The spines might be treated like bones and thus stick where they are unless broken off.

jessjolliffe commented 11 years ago

@Shaners Definitely. Plus the fact that green is a pretty healthy color for the cactus to be. I considered brown like decaying plant material, but it looked too close to being a darker version of the desert variant so I trashed it for the moment.

fuzzytrees commented 11 years ago

Try a pale green with black/brown chunks out. Here are some reference shots: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3301/3602117845_e639203151_z.jpg http://farm1.staticflickr.com/52/124460185_ada2d49f07_z.jpg Maybe one of the flowers could be rotten or dangling/falling off?

Shaners commented 11 years ago

Or some black and charcoals like he / she was ravaged by fire. I think with the pet version I reduced the eye size like they we dehydrated, made the eyes a little glowy, and added a couple pale blue pixel to contrast with the yellow ones. Now that I look at it again, it may not be the best result but may give you some avenues to explore.

clawford commented 11 years ago

I hear from @fuzzytrees you still need someone to do the albino mounts? I WILL TOTALLY DO THESE. [i'm user tinylittledot on HabitRPG itself]

jessjolliffe commented 11 years ago

I'm not 100% happy with the cactus, but it turned out much better this go around.


Shaners commented 11 years ago

I like em!

@clawford yep the albinos are free unless someone who is working on them hasn't chimed in yet.

StanLindsey commented 11 years ago

I only need to get one more housemate involved in this project before my entire household has became a contributor =P

jessjolliffe commented 11 years ago

@SlappyBag Anything that needs filming..? Lol

lemoness commented 11 years ago


I come home from work and I find all of this incredible stuff? Seriously, this is amazing.

@RandallStanhope I really like all of the red mounts, although perhaps the cactus flowers should be a different color. I also really like the middle skeleton lion!! @ashjolliffe Those Zombie mounts are so creepy... the cactus looks great. And I love that the polar bear is just standing there, totally normal and completely alarmed at the sudden zombie apocalypse.

Pausing rogues to finish up the rest of the cotton candies and the golds.

lefnire commented 11 years ago

@lemoness your'e our only rogue-ist! dare I say, by the look of things, mounts will finish themselves :)

lemoness commented 11 years ago

Hm, okay!

In that case, I'll just finish up Gold.

Here are my unfinished cotton candy recolors, for whoever wants to finish them!

Pink (Wolf and Fox done): mountspink

Blue (Wolf and Fox done, Dragon in WIP stage): mountsblue

Shaners commented 11 years ago

Should we just start calling them (and rename in code) Blue and Pink going forward? With the blue, pink, and gold pet variations I was giving them less mean eyes and tongues that stick out. Should we stick with that on the mount versions? Does it fit?

Also I personally am a big fan of that current blue flower colour against the red cactus.

nathander commented 11 years ago

@lefnire - I found this thread through the stable master's in-game announcement & thought I might be able to help. Plus all of the reasons mentioned by @fuzzytrees (mostly I just love this game).

@Shaners & @lemoness - Thanks for the feedback! Here's a version with a greenish-yellow flower. Thoughts?


I'm continuing to work on the skeleton mounts. (but I'll leave the dragon for you, @zoebeagle). Has anyone else been working on the skellies? Don't wanna step on any toes. Here's what I have so far (lion and wolf):


nathander commented 11 years ago

Here's what I've done so far on the skeleton mounts. Kinda hard to tell what's what, but they're in the same places as on the original sprite sheet.


zoebeagle commented 11 years ago

Wow, that is so much better than what I could come up with... I've spent hours on this stupid dragon mount and can't get anything I like. Feel free to give it a shot!

Shaners commented 11 years ago

@RandallStanhope those are awesome, great work! For the red cactus my vote is for the blue flower but the yellow flower is nice as well.

We just need a skeletal dragon to finish off the skeleton mounts. @clawford is on the albino recolours. Lemon is finishing off the gold recolours. The pink and blue recolours are up for grabs, then we are done!

Pandoro commented 11 years ago

Just my two cents, all these are really great but we have to test test them before we actually use them, probably with a small and large gear. On 16 May 2013 05:11, "Shane Lister" notifications@github.com wrote:

@RandallStanhope https://github.com/RandallStanhope those are awesome, great work! For the red cactus my vote is for the blue flower but the yellow flower is nice as well.

We just need a skeletal dragon to finish off the skeleton mounts. @clawford https://github.com/clawford is on the albino recolours. Lemon is finishing off the gold recolours. The pink and blue recolours are up for grabs, then we are done!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/lefnire/habitrpg/issues/942#issuecomment-17978597 .

lemoness commented 11 years ago

@Pandoro in the past thread you can see people sitting on them in a variety of gear, mine are frequently mage robes - I tested all of mine when I made them :) By nature of the layout, some of the gear will be blocked by the heads (and in some cases, very slightly by wings), but that's necessary to make it look realistic. And there is always a dismount option for people who want to show off all of their gear! But if you want to run through them, go ahead :) The skeletons are different enough that they might need a retest.

@RandallStanhope I notice that you moved the wings in your skeleton pig... that actually might make it more difficult to implement? @Shaners will tell you if it's a problem, because he is the master.

@Shaners I am making some eyes less frown-y, but I think the tongues are a little undignified for grown-up mounts?