Habush / atomspace-rpc

A gRPC server and client to execute pattern matching queries
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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caching optimization ... #3

Open linas opened 3 years ago

linas commented 3 years ago

I may sound like a broken record, but .... I think there are a few small things you can do o improve performance, via caching... So, here:


change to (const std::string &id, const std::string &pattern, const std::string &key)

and here: https://github.com/Habush/atomspace-rpc/blob/c49b994f5d6fbe798ad86ceafede7f501696010c/src/manager/AtomSpaceManager.cpp#L86-L93

change to

    // Is there a cached value? If so return it.
    ValuePtr pattResult = h->getValue(hkey);
    if (nullptr != pattResult) return HandleCast(pattResult);

    // Oh no! we have to actually do the work of searching!
    pattResult = h->execute(atomspace.get());
    h->setValue(hkey, pattResult);
   return HandleCast(pattResult);

The search is done only once; after that, the previous cached value is returned "instantlly".

I'm recommending this API because its "compatible" with the previously-mentioned cog-execute-cached! API. (which BTW is not etched in stone, yet, its still an experimental API)

Habush commented 3 years ago

Thank you for looking into the code, Linas. About the suggestion to add caching, wouldn't it better to use cog-execute-cached on the client side instead of adding the caching to the server side? What if another client sends a different query with the same key? We will be returning a wrong result.

linas commented 3 years ago

different query with the same key?

The keybase is per-atom. You can use the same key for all atoms.

server side

Well, part of the point is that you can pre-query 1001 typical, common queries, and then any client who does one of these typical common queries gets an instant answer.

And if you pre-query 1001 typical, common queries, and save them in rocksdb, then next time you reboot the server, you don't even have to pre-mine again,. They are still there.

Habush commented 3 years ago

I see. In that case I will make the change you suggested

linas commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

Habush commented 3 years ago

From the example you gave above, the key is a handle instead of a string. So I should instantiate a handle from the input key string before using it to get previous values. But what is the type of this key handle(Atom)? I see in this example the type of the key is a PredicateNode. Does this mean key handles should have type PredicateNode or the choice is arbitrary?

linas commented 3 years ago

The keys must always be Atoms. They can be any Atom, but if you just want something simple e.g. "a string", then use PredicateNode. The values can be any Value.

linas commented 3 years ago

If you do use something simple, and you use the same key everywhere, then the naming convention is to surround it with asterisk-dashes: e.g (PredicateNode "*-MyWhizBangKey-*") or (PredicateNode "*-my-whiz-bang-key-*"). These work as "eyecatchers" and make it easier to spot in the code/in the data.

linas commented 3 years ago

If you want to use fast-file-load i.e. NOT use guile when loading from files, then there are a dozen hard-coded string commands you can put in your file. They are in Commands.h, see /opencog/persist/sexpr/Commands.h for details.