Hack-The-Tunnels-8 / hack-the-tunnels-oreo

hack-the-tunnels-oreo created by GitHub Classroom
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Create Product Web Scraper #28

Closed hackthetunnelsbot[bot] closed 1 year ago

hackthetunnelsbot[bot] commented 1 year ago


Create a web scraper for a site of your choosing (ex: an amazon product page, a product page from the carleton book store, etc) that scrapes and stores the information pertaining to a product within the service's database.

Add a new scraper folder within the service/src/infrastructure folder that contains any code you write relating to web scraping.

Your scraper should use the createProduct function on service/src/services/Product.ts to save the product to the database.

Acceptance Criteria:

Participant has created a web scraper for a site of there choosing that can scrape and add the scraped product data into the database.

VictorOkenne commented 1 year ago


MathyouMB commented 1 year ago


hackthetunnelsbot[bot] commented 1 year ago

Approved by @MathyouMB

hackthetunnelsbot[bot] commented 1 year ago

This challenge did not unlock any other challenges