Hack-The-Tunnels-8 / hack-the-tunnels-oreo

hack-the-tunnels-oreo created by GitHub Classroom
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Get Products Elastic Search #46

Open hackthetunnelsbot[bot] opened 1 year ago

hackthetunnelsbot[bot] commented 1 year ago


Modify the search function on service/src/services/Product.ts to utilize ElasticSearch or some other search / "Lucene" type store.

Please take the time to go through the documentation for Lucene and ElasticSearch in order to gain a better understanding of how they operate.

Add a new search folder within the service/src/infrastructure that contains your created index and or anything else you need to create a weighted search for products.

On the GitHub issue, describe the index for the issue reviever.

Acceptance Criteria:

The GET /products?searchTerm= endpoint returns search returns that are weighted differently. The service now utilizes ElasticSearch or another Lucene / search store.

aalsa16 commented 1 year ago


hackthetunnelsbot[bot] commented 1 year ago

Solved Challenges for oreo

add-404-page: 2 add-css-animation: 5 add-deleted-column-to-products: 2 add-font-style: 1 add-footer-component: 2 add-navbar-component: 3 add-pagination-to-products-endpoint: 13 add-partial-dark-mode: 3 create-product-web-scraper: 8 get-products-search-term: 3 hello-client: 1 hello-service: 1 improve-product-preview-card-component: 2 send-sms-with-twillio: 13 style-page-component: 2 style-product-page: 3 update-favicon: 1 update-page-title: 1 update-product-endpoint: 3