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Create test using Amazon Comprehend and Translate #13

Open pethers opened 6 years ago

pethers commented 6 years ago

https://aws.amazon.com/translate/pricing/ and https://aws.amazon.com/comprehend/pricing/

approx 200.000+ documents total 2GB+ text

pethers commented 6 years ago

Also compare with https://www.ibm.com/cloud/watson-personality-insights/pricing

pethers commented 6 years ago

https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/ and https://cloud.google.com/translate/

pethers commented 6 years ago

Test case :Personal insight Take 5000 first text chars from each party program https://www.folkbildning.net/amnen/samhalle/politik/riksdagspartiernas-partiprogram/?sort=UpdateDate&dir=desc Translate using: https://translate.google.com/

pethers commented 6 years ago


pethers commented 6 years ago


pethers commented 6 years ago


pethers commented 6 years ago

Cost estimate Amazon translate total cost ($15 per million characters) : $0.000015 per character x 2Gb(2000-2018) approx $3200 Google translate total cost ($20 per million characters ) $0.00002 per character x 2Gb(2000-2018) approx $4300

about 10-15k documents annually $200-300

Personal Insight cost Standard – First 100 API calls per month are FREE. – Additional 1 - 100,000 calls are $0.02 per call – 100,001 - 250,000 calls are $0.01 per call – 250,000+ calls are $0.005 per call

2000 politicians/10 parties /20 committe/20 ministry : 2000 api calls approx $40

pethers commented 6 years ago

natural language processing Cost

https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/ Entity Analysis Entity Sentiment Analysis Syntax Analysis low usage : $1 per 1Mb per service

https://aws.amazon.com/comprehend/ Entity Recognition Keyphrase Extraction low usage : $1 per 1Mb per service

pethers commented 5 years ago

Swedish support https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2018/11/amazon-translate-adds-eight-new-languages/