Animate On Scroll Library doc
Animations are used to attract people’s attention and add interactivity to your web application rather than just a static page. With animations, users tend to engage more with the features of your application. One of the best animations to add to your webpage is the on-scroll animation. An on-scroll animation is a form of Scrollytelling, which means telling a story or displaying content while scrolling.
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[x] Html
[x] CSS
[x] JavaScript
[ ] Bootstrap
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Animate On Scroll Library doc Animations are used to attract people’s attention and add interactivity to your web application rather than just a static page. With animations, users tend to engage more with the features of your application. One of the best animations to add to your webpage is the on-scroll animation. An on-scroll animation is a form of Scrollytelling, which means telling a story or displaying content while scrolling.
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