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Create access for viewing judging results #69

Open andrewsosa opened 6 years ago

andrewsosa commented 6 years ago

We need a concise way to view judging results.

Here's our criteria copied and modified from #39:

Judging Rules

Hacks are awarded points for how they placed, ~1~ 3 points for 1st place, 2 for 2nd, ~3~ 1 for 3rd. The hack with the ~fewest~ most points is highest placed.

Superlatives are awarded to the hack with the with the most nominations for a category. A hack can not win more than 1 superlative; a team with multiple most-nominations for a superlative wins the superlative which they received the greater number of nominations for. Any other superlatives which the hack has the most nominations for will run-off to the next most-nominated hack.

We need a method of resolving ties between the following scenarios:

  1. Equal score between hacks within the top-three
  2. Equal number of superlative nominations between hacks
  3. Equal number of superlative nominations for a hack between superlatives

Possible resolutions are:

  1. Random number generator
  2. Designated tie-breaking individual.