As a user of the app, I want to be able to see a schedule page displaying the hackathon events. If I am a staff, I should also be able to see my shifts on the schedule page.
[x] Update UI with HackIllinois 2024 designs: background, colors, fonts, styling (refer to Figma).
[x] For staff, display their shifts in the bookmark tab. For attendees, the bookmark tab will only display their bookmarked hackathon events. Fetch shifts from GET /staff/shift/ endpoint.
[x] Update dates of Hackathon from Feb 23-25.
[x] Replace Google maps on event cards with static maps (to be created by Design on the Figma). However, let's still keep the Google Maps framework/library in the app.
[x] Make sure pro events are shown to guests and pro attendees. By default, attendees on the non-pro track don't see them.
As a user of the app, I want to be able to see a schedule page displaying the hackathon events. If I am a staff, I should also be able to see my shifts on the schedule page.
GET /staff/shift/