HackRU / lcs

The backend for HackRU's website. Manages the user system.
MIT License
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Status Code Groupings / Error Message Conventions #28

Open TresTres opened 6 years ago

TresTres commented 6 years ago


When API calls return an error, would like a more uniform style in messages for better UI handling.

Could status codes also be grouped by applicable situation? e.g. 403 for an invalid field for all endpoints, 400 for a missing field for all endpoints, etc.

There appears to be some sort of clustering already, so this may be easy change.

hemangandhi commented 6 years ago

Referenced issue: make the bad password message not mention hashes.

TresTres commented 6 years ago

Please also make specific error messages for the dayof-events endpoint when the calendar is not ready / filled out versus an actual error.