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How can I run clang scan-build on this Cmake project? #6

Open smcameron opened 1 year ago

smcameron commented 1 year ago

The internet seems to claim that I can do the following:

$ export CC=/usr/bin/clang
$ export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
$ scan-build cmake ...
$ cd build_sdl_sim
$ scan-build make

However, this doesn't work in two different ways.

First, cmake (or perhaps our usage of cmake) does not seem to honor CC and CXX. Instead, it invariable uses /usr/bin/cc

On my system, /usr/bin/cc is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/cc, which is a symlink to /usr/bin/gcc

I tried changing this to link to /usr/bin/clang (a bit ham-fisted, but that seemed to work, and made Cmake compile with clang, though I did have to run cmake again, and it detected that it was using clang.)

However, when I ran

$ scan-build cmake ...
$ scan-build make ...

It didn't do the scan, instead it just compiled as usual. I suspect whatever cmake is doing is thwarting whatever interposing mechanism scan-build uses to make the build scan rather than compile.

alflanagan commented 1 year ago

FWIW, I was able to get scan-build to run on the Mac under homebrew and got "no bugs found". But that was for the regular build, I haven't got SDL2 set up yet.

Depending on which Linux distribution you're using (and possibly which version thereof), there's a command for updating the alternatives system. For something like cc, it probably updates several links at once, so maybe the ones cmake is using haven't been updated?

alflanagan commented 1 year ago

Got SDL2 on my mac, ran scan-build, here's a report. Now if there's some way to attach a file here...

alflanagan commented 1 year ago


smcameron commented 1 year ago


I fixed a bunch of the things it found. I'm a little surprised it found so little, and such trivial things.