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Verifying Access list on device #84

Open dfirebaugh opened 3 years ago

dfirebaugh commented 3 years ago

Currently if we want to revoke someones access, we have to tell the rfid device to remove everyone and then add everyone back.

This is not ideal because we have no verification that the rfid device received everyone.

We had a good system that verified that the access list on the rfid matched what we had in the DB. However, we switched to using esp-rfid and we no longer have this.

In the previous verification process, the rfid device would hash the list of rfid UIDs that have access and the server would verify that this hash was correct. If incorrect, the server would send an update to the rfid device.

dfirebaugh commented 2 years ago

@Athulus i discovered that you can actually compile the esp-rfid repo, you just have delete the Time dependency