HackSheffield / old-website

The code that powered our website for HS3 and HS4
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Technologies #2

Closed dannycjones closed 6 years ago

dannycjones commented 7 years ago

I'd like feedback. I want this website to be accessible for those wanting to contribute (ie. Pull Requests, etc).

Current ideas:

CC @TheWispy because inclusions

dannycjones commented 7 years ago

For reference, because I intend to edit the issue above...

I'm thinking an Express web server using Pug templates. Alternatives include React.JS and Vue.JS.

Whichever of those we choose, I'd also like to use ES6 with Webpack. Obviously some documentation just explaining how that works would be really nice to have since I know how confusing it can be to those with lesser experience (I only discovered how it all works this summer).

robjtede commented 7 years ago

I'm fine with Express, Pug, and ES6, Webpack. React etc is overkill for a static site.

Think we should specify Node v8.2 minimum (so we can use async/awaits with promises)

dannycjones commented 7 years ago

I was about to disagree, but given LTS status of v8 will start in October then I'm happy with that. I'm not sure how async/awaits works so might be worth adding that to a README to give a brief overview and include related links.


robjtede commented 7 years ago

The LTS point was my thinking exactly, Node 6 is getting on a bit.

mattburman commented 7 years ago

i love this issue

dannycjones commented 7 years ago

I also propose we use Gravatar for team images. This would reduce size of repo and make changing avatar easy and painless.

(That's if we don't integrate GH somehow. #1)

robjtede commented 7 years ago

Good call.

If someone has a gravatar it will show up as their GH profile photo unless they've overridden it, don't know if that's exposed in GH's API though

dannycjones commented 7 years ago

@robjtede I think they actually keep a copy of the gravatar on their own server, and then serve that up via the API. See https://github.com/HackSheffield/website/issues/1#issuecomment-323141987

dannycjones commented 7 years ago

Perhaps we should try adding some of these to ESLint? https://github.com/shichuan/javascript-patterns

Some of them such as function declarations would be useful for learning JS, so it might work out to add warnings for them (not errors).

(Thanks Matt 😉)

robjtede commented 7 years ago

Do whatever you want with ESLint config :)

I'm okay with any settings since the git hooks enforce them.