HackSheffield / old-website

The code that powered our website for HS3 and HS4
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Continuous Deployment #21

Open dannycjones opened 6 years ago

dannycjones commented 6 years ago

When master updates, the website updates? 😄

HughZurname commented 6 years ago

Is this a question or a desire? I would like us to move to a proper hosting platform honestly, my understanding of the current setup doesn't fell me with joy.

dannycjones commented 6 years ago


It depends on where you all want to take the website, I suppose.

The main thing to consider around a proper hosting platform is we may lose hack.sheffield.ac.uk unless we ask CiCS nicely for DNS.

mattburman commented 6 years ago

also $$$

CiCS can provide very cheap VMs (free rn?)

They gave me two 16-core 64GB RAM machines for my dissertation and I think they only received like £100 each or something for a year

HughZurname commented 6 years ago

Well if we do move it means we can use something like travis, which is honestly a lot easier than rolling your own CI/CD system. Will discuss with @gregives

HughZurname commented 6 years ago

also free != good 😉 aaaaaand the free tier on aws/gcs will probably be plenty for the amount fo traffic we see.