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Potential Hacktricks based enumeration Platform. #85

Open CoolHandSquid opened 3 years ago

CoolHandSquid commented 3 years ago

@carlospolop, in order to increase the ease of workflow while pen-testing/CTF-ing, I put together a platform to host "basic-information" and "enumeration" scans (as annotated by this book). My thought is that 80% of the time, per open port you are only going to do a banner grab and the initial enumeration to see if it is a foothold opportunity. If you think this is a good idea, let me know and I'll work on coming up with a curl-based API tool to populate the TireFire database periodically with updates to hacktricks. https://github.com/coolhandsquid/TireFire If you would like to reach me more privately coolhandsquid32@gmail.com. HackTricks is a great resource and I love what you do!

carlospolop commented 3 years ago

Hi @CoolHandSquid! This sounds pretty interesting, but I don't completely understand your proposal. Do you mean that you want to automate all the basic information and enumeration from hacktricks inside your tool (which looks pretty good to be honest, well done :) If thats the case, perfect! If not, let me know what I have misunderstood!

CoolHandSquid commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the compliment, and that is correct! In theory, all of the things in hacktricks could be put into the tool, but it would be a lot of hand-jamming. At first, glance, curling the book (or Github directories) looks as if it would be quite a bear to regex through and push into the database. Do you have any better ideas?

carlospolop commented 3 years ago

Nice, that idea sounds pretty cool. I would say to take a look if it's easier to grep from gitbook or from github. Also, atm it might be difficult to find a way to grep the correct commands. If you want you could submit some PRs modifying every service page so it's easier to grep the commands without losing information. Or (and I think this will be easier) create a new section on each service page with the commands exactly with the syntax to execute them (even onliners of metasploit for example). In the last case, I will take in mind the new syntax for the new services that I will add in the future to the book. Let me know what you think!

carlospolop commented 3 years ago


CoolHandSquid commented 3 years ago

I am currently working on a POC. Once complete I will message you here and send you a link to the fork. Once approved by your grace, I'll go ahead and knock it out for the rest of the protocols!

carlospolop commented 3 years ago


CoolHandSquid commented 3 years ago

I told you I was going in one direction, and I deviated from the original path slightly, but I think you'll like it just the same! I wrote a parser for all of the .md files in the pentest directory to pull out the Protocol, Port number, and bash commands. I put it on Github and explained where it is functionally and what would be needed to get it to jive with HackTricks 100%. Let me know if you think this is worth continuing in pursuit! HackTricksParser

carlospolop commented 3 years ago

Hey mate! That looks pretty cool! How are you planning to parse the enumeration commands? Do you prefer to try to parse them as they are currently, or do you want to create some extra section on each network service indicating each command to run with using some meta languaje?

carlospolop commented 2 years ago

Hey @CoolHandSquid, How is this going? should I close it?

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

I have not touched it. Thank you for reminding me of this project in which I have rekindled excitement. I will be able to get into it late next week. TYFYS

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

Proposal: Before I get to doing a large commit, I want to run past you what I am thinking and adjust to what makes hacktricks even more butt-kicking than it is now. My vision involves adding a tab to the applicable code blocks of the numbered protocols under the pentesting section. A Tab on the first code block, for a larger section of notes, a tab per enumeration command, and potentially a tab for attack techniques. Each of these tabs would get parsed and then brought into the database for TireFire (and TmuxRecon).

Top Code box that is in most (Maybe All) of the protocols

image image

Echo Enumeration Code Box

image image

TireFire post parsing with updated DB


carlospolop commented 2 years ago

Hey mate!

What about instead of creating a tab, creating a new console style box at the end of each pentesting service section (under the title of Hacktricks Automatic Commands, or something like that) and put the commands there?

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

Good call! That is probably a better plan because it will allow the book to render properly in GitHub markdown. I figure if I go through and standardize the code block in the Basic Information section and pull the protocol data from there. That'll be better practice than having to update both the 'Basic Information' section and the 'Hacktricks Automatic Commands' section.

carlospolop commented 2 years ago

Perfect! I would like to ask you for 2 things:

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

Sent 10, single-page PR's and I've got maybe 15 more ready to go! Unfortunately, I'm not seeing them in them along with the Public Pull Requests, are you able to see them? I have PR'd some files that I committed to twice on my local fork due to an original typo, Hopefully, they are able to merge properly.

Once this instance of data movement is over I'll put together a .md for you on the TireFire/TmuxRecon meta language.

carlospolop commented 2 years ago

Hey man, something weird happened. I received the emails of the PRs but I cannot see them in github. Could you try to do the PRs again?

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

I sent one and removed it this morning. I'll have them coming your way here shortly.

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

They are all in!

carlospolop commented 2 years ago

I hae accepted your PRs, let me know once they are working. Also, I saw you added nmap scripts to be launched, but I don't know if you added the execution of metasploit enum scripts. Consider to add them also as they might be pretty useful.

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago
carlospolop commented 2 years ago

I'm glad you liked the MSF scripts idea. Once this is working create a tutorial or something and let me know so I can share it.

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

I figure I'll be able to get you a tutorial, meta.md, and functioning tool by early next week. I am debating starting a new repository named "HackTricks Automatic Commands". It would be a fork of tirefire and have the options to run it in Tmux, Terminator, and Tilix. I'm already most of the way there. I would just need to do some beta testing and some research on the RPC for Terminator.

CoolHandSquid commented 2 years ago

HackTricks Automatic Commands Is up and running!


carlospolop commented 2 years ago

Hey man, sorry for the waiting. This is awesome, thank you very much for creating this. My suggestions would be to just keep adding tools and metasploit scripts. Also maybe, create a mode where you can launch all the scans to a service just from the same session, so you dont need 10 sessions to launch 10 commands. And keep adding tools to Web (like nuclei and more you can find in hacktricks).

Keep the good work and thank you!