HackYourFuture-CPH / rate-my-cv

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Authentication/Signin Functionality #183

Open dpfernandes opened 3 years ago

dpfernandes commented 3 years ago

User story

Who: As a user

What: I want to be able to sign in

Why: so that we can check my profile, make reviews and upload my cv

Acceptance criteria

Firebase for authentication with backend verification. Check this article for implementation https://dev.to/emeka/securing-your-express-node-js-api-with-firebase-auth-4b5f

Create authentication based @senner007's video with a firebase and react example. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AoI-8hQGtXUmnH6BnMzKNhd5uNci?e=ppJwdQ It is using this repo : https://github.com/senner008/Firebase-React-Express.git so start by cloning this. Also check out the resources for links to docs on firebase https://github.com/HackYourFuture-CPH/React/tree/class11/resources

pdsorensen commented 3 years ago

@ember-b-Moss i think you mentioned this is implemented, could you point me to the relevant code places? :)

Looking at it server/backend wise, i can see that authentication looks correct. Looking at it client-wise, i'm not completely sure what's going on.

This file looks like the entrypoint: https://github.com/HackYourFuture-CPH/rate-my-cv/blob/5ef641f9e8c0afb0dfa05c8ebda625b10f2bd39c/src/client/firebase/auth.js

ember-b-Moss commented 3 years ago

yes I was wrong.. authentication with firebase only is implemented with sign-up form and not sign-in.. as far as i understand..