HackYourFuture / React

This repository contains all the material for the HackYourFuture module "React.js: Building dynamic UIs with modern JavaScript"
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week 3 homework #656

Closed ObadaMoustafa closed 2 years ago

ObadaMoustafa commented 2 years ago

Hello In week3 hackyourtemp project we require to use the second route as /:cityId but the only allowed package for free is this https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-api

and we only can fetch by using latitude and longitude so I suggest just to say make another route or make it more clear to be easier for students because it's already hard week 😅 best regards

robvk commented 2 years ago

Good point, will adjust it for next class. Thanks for the heads up!

robvk commented 2 years ago

The project has been changed so this does not apply anymore.