HackYourFutureBelgium / hackyourfuture.be

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embed the HYF google calendar into the site #64

Open colevandersWands opened 3 years ago

colevandersWands commented 3 years ago

this appears to be covered by a Gatsby plugin, it's in their docs.

jbelien commented 3 years ago

Can we use something else than Google Calendar ?

iLienstAr commented 3 years ago

What alternative options are there? As we're using Google calendar for internal use (automatically linked to our @hackyourfuture-accounts), I don't know how realistic it will be to keep another calendar up to date, so maybe @colevandersWands in that case we should reconsider if a public calendar would be an added value to the website (assuming we won't keep it up to date).

colevandersWands commented 3 years ago

I agree with both of you. Ideally we wouldn't use Google Calendar, but it's legacy and everything is set up there for now. if there's a good alternative we can take the time to migrate to the new calendar and swap them out in the website when it's ready.
even without much up-to-dating a calendar on the website might be a big plus. fixed things like application deadlines, known events, breaks, hack the talks, and class starts could be up there

jbelien commented 3 years ago

What does that calendar contain ? Can I have a look at it ? What's the goal of publishing it on the website ? Is it added value for the public ?

iLienstAr commented 3 years ago

You can find it here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=OGRpcmJzNmc2bW9jaXQwMmY3ZGEzN2hnbzBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

Added value: transparency + over time, volunteers could get used to surfing to hackyourfuture.be to know when they could contribute (but this is some really nice to have, not a must)

So, this is not a priority imo.