HackerPoet / Composer

Generates video game music using neural networks.
1.13k stars 188 forks source link

How to use?Any documents? #19

Open Praying opened 5 years ago

Praying commented 5 years ago

I don't know how to use this project to compose music, any one can help me ?

domenicostefani commented 5 years ago

If you just want to run the generator there is a windows executable. If you are on Linux you may use wine to run it. If that doesn't do it for you you'll have to train the network, so basically:

  1. Download a set of midi files to train the net (place them in a directory called Music, inside the project folder)
  2. Install the python libraries required by load_songs.py, train.py and live_edit.py
  3. Run them with the Python2.7 interpreter in that order. (If you run loadsongs on a different os from windows, there is a small bug to fix: just open the file with a text editor and replace "\"_ with os.sep at line 14)

Load_songs preprocesses the midis and stores them into a single file. Train trains the net and produces additonal files/info and plots about the performance. finally live_edit is the synthesizer that runs the trained network and produces the music.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Concerning running the source code: Do you have any specific library requirements? Or a more in-depth explanation from start to finish how to run the composer successfully using Python 2?